Choke tube sets


Well-known member
I'm a choke tube newbie. I recently purchased my first gun with choke I'm thinking about trying one of those color TV. :)
Has anyone tried the Carlson or Trulock 3 tube waterfowl sets? I don't want to break the bank on choke tubes. I do shoot a lot of steel at upland birds so I'd like something more open like those sets have.
Anyone pattern the stock Beretta/Benelli Mobil chokes? Are they as good as most after market chokes? Since I rarely if ever shoot any shot larger than 2s do extended choke tubes add anything?
I'm sure the stock modified choke tube that came with it would be all I need for 90% of my hunting but I'd like to try a couple others. Maybe one with a skull and crossbones or "Hamma Time!" on the sides of it.

I'm just the opposite of a choke tube junkie.
When I bought my 390 in 2003, I found that 1 1/4 oz #3s shoot great out of my Beretta factory mod tube and never looked back. Only tube I have ever bought was a skeet tube for a couple of narrow tree lined tidal creeks I hunt, short-range shooting, less than 20 yards!

Pattern your factory tubes first with the loads you shoot now before spending money on after-market tubes.

If you cant get the patterns you want, then either try a different brand shell or load, then try to borrow some tubes before investing $50+ on good quality chokes.
That's my 2cents anyway.
Well the answer depends on how well you shoot. High quality chokes do make a difference but the difference for most chokes for most hunters is negligible. I "think" I can detect a difference for IC (I am generally in the 22 of 25 range), but it may be in my head. The good shots at my gun club can likely tell the difference but these guys can shoot 25 straight every weekend and often can go 50 straight.

That said it is the guy pulling the trigger that makes the most difference. I have seen these guy shoot old fixed choke guns of varying age and quality and shoot great.

I do know I do see a difference shooting a Briley diffusion choke verses a standard skeet choke but that adds a spins to even out the shot string.

If you have confidence in your choke you will shoot it better. So I would suggest you get a new choke if you think yours is bad, if you think yours is good as I would expect a Beretta choke to be, invest is shooting skeet and sporting clay.
Before you get sucked in by the fancy names & packageing Try your factory tubes at 40 & 25 yds on the pattern board with loads you intend to shoot. I,ve tryed a few of the better extended chokes over the years and always get my best patterns with various loads thru Briley extended. And just because choke is marked skeet or mod or whatever doesn,t mean the shell you intend to use will pattern that way thru that constriction. That will also change from gun to gun. Shoot enough patterns with various shells and you,ll find a shell that your gun really likes. That being said Briley light mod extended is my go to choke in a browning and a benelli that i shoot.
Also I always found mobil chokes to pattern a bit tight thru The berettas I owned. When I still had bird dogs Skeet was the best performer for me w/ 1 1/8 oz. lead 7 1/2s. in the beretta I carried. I believe their bore diameter was couple thou smaller than most american shotguns.
Thanks guys, good info.
I don't claim to be a great shot but I'm not bad either. I just know that I'm tired of shooting tight fixed chokes. That thought that you either get a clean kill or a miss doesn't hold completely true for me. To go along with the modified choke that came with it I may get a skeet and skeet2 choke to pattern for upland and ducks over decoys.

A "B" gun, really?

I knew you would say that. Technically it is an "F" just happens to be made in a "B" factory.
It was hard for me to pass up the practicality and the value of the Franchi Affinity.

A "B" gun, really?

I knew you would say that. Technically it is an "F" just happens to be made in a "B" factory.
It was hard for me to pass up the practicality and the value of the Franchi Affinity.


An Italian Autoloader... German dog... What is next? :)
A "B" gun, really?

I knew you would say that. Technically it is an "F" just happens to be made in a "B" factory.
It was hard for me to pass up the practicality and the value of the Franchi Affinity.


An Italian Autoloader... German dog... What is next? :)

A few months ago I almost added an English dog but I thought maybe I'd have a war. When my sister's Brittany comes over she makes a lot of noise but once the German dog gets serious she rolls over.

If you are going to buy a skeet choke I would strongly recommend the Briley Diffusion. It has a skeet constriction but imparts a bit of spin to the shot string. It provides solid clay breaks and clean kill to 35 yards (with non toxic lead substitutes). In my auto it is my early season choke, in my O/U I pair it with a IC, but I love to get them in close (15 to 20 yards).
Ain't the arrow, it's the indian. Chokes are measured from the bore size. A lot of replacement chokes are made tighter than advertised.
Try your factory chokes and choke up. I shot sporting clays for years and had a least two of every choke. Now I shoot mod/imod with a skeet in the bag for the silly close ones.
Ducks I shoot a IC from the duck boat and blind.
I agree with Capt. Rich. IC most of the time, or M, in the M1, M, in the SP-10. All factory chokes, with the shot and shells they shoot best. I have yet to find a screw in choke shotgun that shoots anywhere as good, as a fixed choke Model 12, or a Auto-5.
Italian autoloader...German dog...color TV...multiple Choke tubes....I think someone is having a mid life crisis!
Thanks guys. I'll probably just pick up a IC and skeet to try along with my mod.

Vince you are right that the chokes on the old M12s have honest chokes. Unfortunately my couple old Winchesters are choked full. They are full. :)

Chuck don't worry, I still have my pots of pansies and petunias.

Tim - You are correct, a Model 12 Duck Gun is a fine "Turkey Swatter", and any ga. with a Mod choke will do all you need. Consider sending one of your Model 12's to Briley, (if you can part with it) to have it opened to Mod, and forcing cone work done if needed. They did a fine job when I sent my old Mag 10, to have it go from Full for lead, to Mod for steel.
Thanks guys. I'll probably just pick up a IC and skeet to try along with my mod.

Vince you are right that the chokes on the old M12s have honest chokes. Unfortunately my couple old Winchesters are choked full. They are full. :)

Chuck don't worry, I still have my pots of pansies and petunias.


Look at Light Mod for ducks and pheasants. I have a briley extended that I like in my Benelli.
Italian autoloader...German dog...color TV...multiple Choke tubes....I think someone is having a mid life crisis!

I think add in Swedish girlfriend with German dog and Italian autoloader.