Cockpit Floor

neil b

Hello Everyone,
I was finally able to do some boat work this past week. We worked on decking the cockpit floor with the 5 bar tread plate, and cutting the hatch holes for my access plates. Hopefully these will let me hose out the bilge to some extent. The tread makes the flange fit up a bit of a pain as it all needs to be ground down for a tight fit. There are two pvc chase tubes mounted below deck that will let me run the fuel lines to the transom and the electrical stuff to the console. We also did the thru hull fittings for the scupper drains, the bilge pump outlet, and the seacock for the washdown. We were able to rent a Hypertherm 45 plasma cutter so it made cutouts so much easier. It pierces quite well, and once you figure out how to fence the torch head, you can get fairly straight cuts.

Here's some pictures:

Cockpit floor minus the removable plate over the fuel tanks.

Bomar Almag rectangle plate.

Rectangle plate with hatch cover removed.

Bomar Almag round plate.

Stainless scuppers with check balls. These are flush mounted in the deck so they should drain decent.

Scupper caps taken off.
Neil ,

Nice job was down to the yard last weekend , did not see the boat but it looks GREAT!!! Nice job for sure , keep them coming been out spearing those Bass yet ??

Dave M
Wow, was this meant to be posted on the space shuttle forum ?!

Looks awesome . . .can't wait to see the final product . . .
Thanks. We floated the boat at the ramp with 800 or 900 pounds (600 or so on the transom and the rest on the fuel tank beds) to determine an approximate waterline. I didn't want to cut the holes for the scupper drains below the waterline. The boat seemed to float pretty high with the waterline in the transom barely covering the lower trim tab mounting brackets. The hull barely rocks if you step up on rail, so hopefully it will be nice and stable.

I've been diving twice and have shot a few blackfish back in May but no bass yet.
