Dad--Mom and Kids

Al Hansen

Well-known member
About four years ago Bosque del Apache developed a "prairie dog town". It is getting to be quite an eye-catcher for those who come down here to enjoy the national wildlife refuge. Here are a few shots of one family that I watched for about an hour.




I thought the paragraph below was very interesting. I was reading about them on the internet. Just think at one time there was one huge prairie dog colony in Texas that covered 25,000 acres and held 400,000,000 prairie dogs.
Each prairie dog colony is divided into half-acre neighborhoods called coteries, inhabited by one male, several females, and the young of the year. Coterie members greet each other by "kissing," gently touching noses and lips.
In the picture below, this youngster looks like it is greeting the male of the coterie. He seemed to be the one on alert as the little ones and that one female were doing other things.


Nice Pictures thanks for posting them mate, will those prairie dogs walk to heel, if the dont, they are no good for Ducking HeHeHe.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.

You mention they "started??" the colony? What is the purpose of that? In many places they want to get rid of them, so I am just curious what the thinking was. Maybe I miss read that.