David Gregory

Mark W

Well-known member
Yep, we need more guns laws alright. Mr. Gregory's showing of a gun clip on national television was a clear violation of one of the guns laws and yet, he is not going to be charged with the breaking of any laws

What gives. If we aren't going to enforce one of the 20,000 odd laws already in place, why make up new ones. Here's a novel idea, let's get rid of the law that Mr. Gregory violated. Novel and out there I realize but hey, a law is a law.


Just to show the hypocrisy, here is a person who ws arrested and charged with the exact some offense, and 104 others just like him. Guess if you can show your a card carrying democrat, and if the poit you are trying to make is in agrrement with left wing causes, you can get away with it.


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I get tired of pointing fingers like right wing or liberal or leftists.... yada yada yada ...why can't when people post say pro gun or anti gun because really there are people from both sides of the aisle that reflect both pro and con...really I am so over republican this or democrat that ...if your party lost shut the f@#k up already and stop whining... you have to deal with this administration for 4 yrs before the next election and to be honest the republican congress has been flirting with political sucide and it could get worse in the next round of congressional and senatorial elections. Either be progun or antigun and stop with all the political rhetoric. Oh and one last thing life isn't fair get used to it. Thank you in advance.
From what I understand, they contacted local law enforcement and were told the clip was not legal to poses. I do not know if the law just looked the other way or what allowed the exception.
No, Chris... if a person is a liberal... and esecially if they voted for a liberal poitical candidate, especially Obama... you are not progun, or a defender of the 2nd Amendment. I suppose there is another option... this person could just be uniformed and clueless. Obama's stance on guns is very well documented, even before 2008.

The are magazines... not clips.....
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I get tired of pointing fingers like right wing or liberal or leftists.... yada yada yada ...why can't when people post say pro gun or anti gun because really there are people from both sides of the aisle that reflect both pro and con...really I am so over republican this or democrat that ...if your party lost shut the f@#k up already and stop whining... you have to deal with this administration for 4 yrs before the next election and to be honest the republican congress has been flirting with political sucide and it could get worse in the next round of congressional and senatorial elections. Either be progun or antigun and stop with all the political rhetoric. Oh and one last thing life isn't fair get used to it. Thank you in advance.

Chris -

Show me a Republican who is out to change the gun laws and I'll change my stance. It it the left, and the dems who are trying to take away our second amendment rights.

I'm not whining, there are laws. Everyone is suppose to follow the laws. Because Gregory is on the same side as as the news outlets and the libs, he was let go. He was told before hand that he would be breaking the law displaying the clip and did so anyway.

The guy in the second link also asked the cops what to do. He followed the letter of the law and was arrested, as well as 104 others for doing the same thing as Gregory. There are some 20,000 guns laws on the book, enforce them equally or get rid of them. Why create more if we don't enforce the ones we already have on the books.

As a good friend of mine said last weekend, the first step towards confiscation is registration. Can't confiscate what you don't know exists. Be very wary of what is happening right now.

Mark W

I no longer have a dog in this... as I sold all of my firearms on 12/15/12

I too sold all my weapons Phil - period. Knives, guns, bow and arrow, totem poles (someone was murdered in MN using a totem pole - better outlaw them), etc...

Mark W
Really that must mean I use a fly swatter to hunt with....Really!

Hey Chris -

Not picking on you. I don't know how you voted and Iit isn't my business. I do ask that you watch closely how the people you voted for vote on the upcoming new proposed regulations. Then you decide for yourself how your representatives support your view on guns and hunting.

I also ask that you look at the roll call of how the democrats voted on the matters coming up verses the republicans. then make your own decision on which side beleives in the 2A and which side does not.

Then you have to decide how important gun ownership is to you among all the other issues this country faces today. Me, the $16 trillion+ and growing national debt is my biggest voting point, followed by tax rates, especially corporate, and then by the 2nd amendment. After that, the issues are way less important to me. Your's may be different.

Mark W
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I know alot of our members were affected by Sandy and want to see a vote in washington. Have you seen what has been added to the bill, no wonder we're so far in debt. Congress buys votes.
Wish a group would show who voted for what, so we could call our reps. Is there a site???