Decoy Anchors


Seems percieved convienence has trumped actual function these days. Where to buy the old "h type" decoy anchors, the oval shaped weights with "ears" to wrap the line around. Llbean used to carry these but don't anymore, same story with cabella's. Any suggestions, better yet anyone have a mold they might lend out? Helpfull suggestions appreciated.

10 minutes with a router and a 2x6 will make you a decoy mold you can make as many as you want. If you're on the cheap side (like me) you can melt down oild tire weights, skim off the crud, and use that for your anchors.

If you're nearby I'll gladly make one for you.

Ive been toying with the router idea, even going so far as to consider a piece of aluminum billet with same, but have not gotten into production yet. Thanks for the encouragement. Where in Vt are ya? I lived in Williston for a time.
I bought a bunch of those anchors (rubber coated) from Beans last year. I live 5 mins from there and will be stopping by in the next few days. I'll check to see if they are a store only item. Otherwise, check on ebay. There is one guy in particular that has these for sale in the $25-30 range for the H style anchors. jrwcb's sporting goods is the ebay store....I just bought an 'H style' anchor mold from him...its on its way. He doesn't have them listed in the store but does still have them... I think he works in a machining shop and cuts the molds himself.

I love those self adjusting anchor types for the salt water....the tides really mess with the setup. I wouldn't use anything else.

They are the only anchors that I use. Cabelas doesn't have them anymore? Try Mack's Prarie Wings.
I'm in Bristol.

Seriously, a few minutes with a router will make all the mold you need for lead weights. Take one you like, trace it on a 2x6, free hand the shape with the router. It'll burn the edges a little on the first pour, but no worries.
Just got this made. 16oz weights for big water.


Scott, I have made Oak wood decoy molds before and have used nothing as a release agent and had no issues other than the wood start to burn after a while.
billy you forget the im super cheap factor lol plus i can get lead for nuthing from tire weights and i already have a home made smelter for pouring muzzle loader bullets and ive got about 20# already skimmed and ready too melt recycled tire wieghts thats alot of bullets especially after showin the boy scouts how too cast bullets and ive got prolly a hundred or so ready too go i should go shootin lol
I have successfully used "Slip Plate" or graphite paint coating. I buy mine from my local tractor supply center. I buy it in the spray can and put a couple light coats on the Oak wood molds. I let the paint coating dry for a couple days. It has been a good release agent and the Oak has not burned up either.

I have two, "H" weight cavity molds made out of thick chunks of aluminum too. One makes 8 oz. weights and one is for 13 oz. The picture below shows the 2 part cavity mold for the 8 oz weights, I can pour 2 at a time. that one weight laying on the mold was made in a different mold.



charlie when you build lead molds out of wood what do you use for a release agent or do you need one?

You don't need a release agent. The wood will not grab sufficiently to the lead enough to get it to stick in the mold. Also, as it cools, it will contract a slight bit, enough to just pop them out. Use hardwood though, not pine or other soft woods, they burn too easily.

machining one out of alum is not that expensive either by the way, I have some for mushroom anchors, works great. Biggest tip I have is to do it on a steel table or something that will act as a heat sink since the alum gets pretty hot and they start taking a lot longer to cool so you can pop them out.
Scott, I feel the same way that you do. I just don't see the point in spending money on something that I can make myself. I cast my own weights and they suit me much better than ones that I could buy in the store, even if they are the same. I use a strap mold for my ducks and for geese I use an aluminum oj juicer from the 50's that my grandfather snuck out of my grandmothers kitchen.
LOL heat sink... It's about 0 Fahrenheit in my garage, will that do? :)

No need for a release agent in wood.

Aluminum would be cool, but I like to work with what I have. I don't have any way to mill aluminum and the raw material is expensive. Scrap wood on the other hand is in every nook and cranny of my garage.

I wonder if heavy duty reynolds wrap aluminum foil would stand the head of the lead? Might be worth an experiment...
I was very lucky, a friend had a piece of Aluminum lying around and the boyfriend of a girl who works for me is a CNC my mold cost me a total of $60. I couldn't go wrong
I have few of the original herters weigh molds I use now and then to me there has never been a better big water weight. for ducks I use the bottom of the old style coke cans (beer cans, Pepsi etc are to small) and use SS wire to make a loop to fit over the decoy heads they also work very well