duck hunting NJ


Any body where theres some ducks i want to go out saturday but dont know where to go should i go north or south on the coast
Any body where theres some ducks i want to go out saturday but dont know where to go should i go north or south on the coast.

Grand Rapids MI. That's where all the ducks are just ask Chuck
Any body where theres some ducks i want to go out saturday but dont know where to go should i go north or south on the coast.

Grand Rapids MI. That's where all the ducks are just ask Chuck

come and get them...
I will also just say south. Take my word for it as I live on the north end of the coast and there's no ducks up here!
Hopefully Jim Donifrio will pipe up with a NJ scouting report...

Now that's funny

Glad to see someone in Jersey has a sence of humor...about now Jim will start ranting..."You people got to stop posting where the ducks are on the internet...just watch, every boat ramp will be've ruined it for everyone!!!"...or something to that affect...
I'll handle this Jim - theres no ducks.

Too warm up north.
No ducks around, but plenty of geese. I have been wearing one of those Phantom Goose Flag Hats...using no other decoys what so ever and the geese just pile in.

Give it a shot it's deadly.
Ducks? the 6 day shotgun deer season begins in a few days! (Monday)... everybody knows there are no ducks during deer hunting season... because every fool of a hunter in the state is out in the woods with their slug barrels, and not in the marsh with their smoothbores! :)

ps: south is a good direction, leave all the ducks in north jersey to me...
I have hunted the last three days on the St.Lawrence river in NY and saw a total of 17 ducks, we should be covered up by now only a week left and no cold weather in site for us, you will have a while to wait before they get to you.
Our wood duck honey hole was empty today. Not a bird in the sky the woodys seem to have left my part of NewJersey. How about your area?