Guest Appearance and Site History on Duck Season Somewhere Podcast


My experiences are exactly the same. The other thing about FB which we didn't get into is how transient people in groups are. Not a community. Folks drop in to get a question answered, never to be seen again. I like hanging with folks and knowing you.
Back before the site I collected duck boat info, measurements of skiffs, and put it in a big three ring binder for future reference. When the site began I didnt know there were hundreds of other people that shared this passion. The site brought it all together in one place. The stored info is the greatest resource and it cant be found anywhere else.
Posted a few hours ago is episode 454 of the Duck Season Somewhere podcast where Ramsey Russell had me as a guest to talk about history, this community, share some store of mine, and talk about hunting before and after the internet and social media.

The link below takes you to this episode and I hope you'll give it a listen. Moreso I hope you'll listen to other episodes. Ramsey has a special talent for communicating waterfowler experiences and it was an honor to be asked to be a guest. I view him as an ambassador of the sport we love and the work he is doing is important work for all of us.

Great podcast! I remember we spoke with Ramsey awhile back about coming up to NY missed opportunity with COVID but as mentioned this site is invaluable with the resources & info!
Once again this web site has driven me to consider something I have never ever done before in my life. Specifically, listen to a podcast. Don't laugh, first order of business will be to research just what a podcast is and how to access it. Damn, Eric, way to make a guy feel old. Thanks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not! :sneaky:
Dave - and Eric~

"Same boat" I believe is the proper metaphor. Susan educated me yesterday. My only challenge is that our wi-fi does not reach my shop. So, I cannot listen on my laptop whilst working on boats and decoys as I would prefer. The work-around is listening on my cell phone. (Yikes!) As my friends will tell you, I loathe the devices and resort to mine only in emergencies (which is the only reason I own one). So, I'll be hooking the phone up in the shop and giving it a try...sometime soon....

All the best,


I think I have a solution for you. You can download the podcast to your laptop in your home and then the laptop can play it in your shop without wifi.

Here's how. Click on the link I posted at the top of this thread and go to the bottom of the page that opens. Then click on "Episode Website." On that page you will see a download icon as pointed out in the below image. When you click that it will download the entire podcast to a mp3 file and save it to your laptop. You can then open that downloaded file and the podcast will play without the need of wifi.

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I agree, Ramsey does have a really cool show. One of the things he does so well is bringing his observations as a waterfowler to the conversation and making the discussion relatable to anyone who duck hunts. He really picked up on the finer points of the duckboats community and made them clear to the listener while adding insights from many different places and experiences. Not many people have verbal skills like that. I find him quite an impressive individual.


What I like about his show is he covers it top to bottom: He will talk about hunting barnacle geese in the Netherlands. Then he talks about hunting pintail in California. He then sits down with Bobby Keeney in NJ and talks about BBSB boats. After that, he goes into conservation.

It's funny because you wouldn't think you'd learn a lot about hunting those varied areas. I've used some ideas and methods he's mentioned on his show here in NJ.

Another thing I also like...his shows are not 2-3 hours long. I can finish an entire podcast between my morning and afternoon commutes to and from work.

I think I missed the BBSB episode. I just found it and have got to hear that one! Thanks. Yes, the diversity of topics he covers is staggering. The number of hours he's accumulated is getting up there. I told him he's not just a host, but he is really doing journalism and his body of work will be reference material for future generations. Seems like there are a million podcasts out there these days, but to me he separates himself from the rest with his ability to bring forth observations from the field and being a lifelong waterfowler and communicating them to the audience while reinforcing the message of the guest. Simply put, they are really good conversations.

I think I missed the BBSB episode. I just found it and have got to hear that one! Thanks. Yes, the diversity of topics he covers is staggering. The number of hours he's accumulated is getting up there. I told him he's not just a host, but he is really doing journalism and his body of work will be reference material for future generations. Seems like there are a million podcasts out there these days, but to me he separates himself from the rest with his ability to bring forth observations from the field and being a lifelong waterfowler and communicating them to the audience while reinforcing the message of the guest. Simply put, they are really good conversations.

You have to catch the one with Bobby Keeney for sure. Bobby is like the historian for BBSB's. His family owns the marina right around the corner from the Seaport in Tuckerton. I've never met Bobby personally but I have hunted with some of his friends. He goes in detail about the NJ culture, old school methods and tales of the old timers heading out to bag their 2 black ducks in the middle of the dark morning.

You hit the nail right on the head. I think a lot of the ground he's breaking and places he hunts will pave the way for future generations to come.
I listened to the podcast on my way back from the Ohio decoy show today. I looked up this forum after and saw there's still a bunch of activity, so now I'm a member. I was a member of some other forums a while back, but they seemed to pretty much die off due to Facebook. Glad to see there's a forum still alive and well.

Welcome aboard. I see you didn't waste time making posts. Excellent! We are definitely alive and kicking and look forward to more.
I listened to the podcast on my way back from the Ohio decoy show today. I looked up this forum after and saw there's still a bunch of activity, so now I'm a member. I was a member of some other forums a while back, but they seemed to pretty much die off due to Facebook. Glad to see there's a forum still alive and well.

Welcome! This is a great place to probably find things about vintage duck boats that you probably won't find anywhere else.

You'll also see a lot of information on newer boats here too. Duck Boss/Invader, Bankes, TDB, etc.