ELECTRIC trim and tilt

How important would this be on a 40 HP yamaha, on a snow goose?. would it be usefull in fishing aplacations? Dont know if I would use it enough to warent the cost.
I have trim & tilt on both of my boats and wouldn't be without them. I have a garvey style aluminum boat very close to the design of the boat your talking about. It a tremendous help to plain the boat out depending on how I have it loaded. Not to mention its real nice to just push a button and that motor comes up instead of fighting it if its stuck in the sand or mud.(less trips to the chiropracter) Plus its great in shallow water. Just my 2 cents!

Good luck, Drew
My boat is similar as well and I have a 40 Merc. A must have in my opinion. I supposed you may be able to get by with a power jack plate which would save some money I'd guess.
You don't really need it. Its handy enough, but for small motors you can just pull it up when you beach it. The trim is nice when you are going fast and want to plane it out. That varies with the weather/ waves. You can do that manually with a bit it experimentation. If you look at the "clamp" part that hands on the transom, there are a variety of holes back there with a pin that cam move vrom one to another. That is what that pin is for. People had boats long before power trim and tilt.... Its about what YOU want.