Electric trolling motor for ER kicker

Jason Gillette

New member
I have just purchased a used TDB 17' and I'm thinking of adding a kicker motor for ER use if the 50 yamaha 4 stroke fails. Can I get enough out of an elec. trolling motor for it to be back up? If not what would be the smallest lightest kicker motor that would work. There's no need to go fast but enough power to make way in heavy seas is what I may need in an ER situation.
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Don't believe any of the 12V motors will fit your needs,and I don't know about the 80-100 lb thrust motors that need 24 or 36 volt set ups.Heavy seas??Back up motor,that will take you safely through that??PROBABLY NOT MUCH DIFERENT POWER THAT YOU ALREADY HAVE.A GOOD SEA ANCHOR AND GROUND ANCHOR WITH A VHF MARINE RADIO TO CALL THE COAST GUARD OR OTHER rescue organization would be your best alternative for the conditions you described.
Just for perspective, I mounted a 9.9 kicker on my 20-ft Lund A. The 9.9 will push her along at roughly 6 mph. Incredibly slow unless you grew up on sail boats which is their "normal" speed,a mile every 10 min. Compare it to rowing? Don't even consider paddling a boat this size. When I first got my old 14 ft aluminum v-hull it came with a 7.5 Johnson, pushed her along at 8 mph. Will an electric motor do what you want to do, no way.

I realize a TDB isn't an aluminum v-hull but I'm guessing you need something in the 7.5 to 10 hp range. I'm not sure how often Alvin Chase checks in but seem to remember a 9.9 on the back of his 17 TDB.

For sure, I reach 5 mph somewhere around 1/2 throttle. The motor works pretty hard for the last 1-mph or so. Did you ever get a top end for your 3.5 on the goose?

How are the tides looking at the start of next week?

On the 3.5 I get to hull speed, about 5 mph, by 1/4-1/2 throttle any more is burning gas.

Tides are looking OK, but I'm not. I have a candidate in this week, if I get out it will be with Jen just for the tide (since it will be her last trip for quite some time). Looks mighty snotty on Monday.

I've been keeping busy with work and the old house, did get a chance at my favorites yesterday with superb results!
