evening boat ride

Chris S.

Well-known member
I got done work early yesterday and the girlfriend was working so I loaded up and headed for the ramp. I wanted to take the sneakbox out before this Saturday when we have our get together. I got the boat in at about 6pm. I headed north to check out one of my hunting spots and the closer I got to the marsh I got swarmed by green heads. If I slowed down they would swarm I looked at my legs and musta had 10 of em on my legs. The land breeze didn't help. So I quickly turned around. The bugs aren't as bad on the south end. Here are a few pictures. It was a little adventure

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Here is the sneakbox all ready to take a ride.
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I passed some black ducks sorry for the bad pics all I had was my phone
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Nice sunset over the marsh.
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And on my way back in I saw this old junker boat just floating down the channel. Check out the plant life in the motor well.
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I called the marine police and told them about this boat. They were sending a police boat. I said I would tow it to the ramp they said to leave it. My concern was that it was getting dark and another boat would hit it. I didn't have my clamp on lights with me or I woulda stayed.
Hope you enjoy my pics. We will have a bunch of pictures after this saturday's get together.

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Cool pics..should have left that boat where it was and anchored it down. By the time season came around all the ducks would be use to it and you could have used it for a blind!
Cool pics..should have left that boat where it was and anchored it down. By the time season came around all the ducks would be use to it and you could have used it for a blind!

The boat was in a main channel about 200yrds from the houses. I am guessing that it wasn't tied off very well and it broke free. It had registration numbers on it so the marine police will find the owner.
great job on your boat.

Thanks, I really enjoy my sneakbox. They are a lot of fun and really great to hunt from. It is a lot faster when the boat is empty. No decoys and gear. The gps said I was getting 22MPH. After the get together this Saturday I am going to redo the motor board. So it will be the right height and I won't have to shim the motor up. Even with the shim its still about an inch too low. I can't wait for duck season.
Your Boat looks Great Chris! Greenheads? Biting fly?

I guess they don't have green heads out your way. Count your blessings for that. Greenheads are a fly with a bright green head they are bigger then a house fly and they hurt so bad when they bite. They take chunks and sometimes make you bleed they leave a big welt after the bite. Short and simple "they suck"
Hey Chris,
I see possibilities in that junker buddy.
A little cutting, a little plywood, some fiberglass and..
you got a big ass duck boat LOL
Yeah I was thinking the same thing it already has grass. In the motor well and grass rails on the front deck.