Every puppy should have a Boy!

Victor Duskin

Active member
Well, the day finally arrived and Tyler is a happy boy. He had been working on getting ready for a pup, but had no idea he was getting one for his birthday (which is 21st his #14) and was just tickled. She is a pretty gal! No Name yet... but I'm sure he come up with something... Happy Times here in the Green! (Hazel Green, AL)


Tyler Named Her Copper.


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After looking at all the pictures very carefully, I am now wondering who is the happier? Seems as this is a perfect match, Victor. I sure enjoyed this.
Congrats. I saw he worked hard on the kennel. They both look happy. Good thing school is about out for the year or you may find a pup in a backpack headed for school!
Victor, fantastic photos, I can't tell who is more excited. I know your sone built a kennel, but she may just sneak into his room a time or two.

Thank you everyone for the nice comments! I added a picture to the top that includes this little gal's name... and believe me... Tyler went though many and struggled with it for two days... LOL Thanks Again!