few pics off my phone

Gene Jr.

Well-known member
I finally got a little card to put in my phone to get the pics off of it. I did find my camera, after the season was over, darn!

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Too know what he's thinking....
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A nice, but very COLD, morning with Mike Braden. Mike was kind enough to take this picture of me.
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This is a picture Mike sent to my phone from the morning with the brant.

This season beat me and the equipment up but after a little rest I'm looking forward to next year already!

Best wishes,

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I was at my inlaws in Manahawkin, NJ. I'm sure there are better places but the free room and board is hard to beat! Honestly, it gets me in striking distance of a lot of good hunting. I do most of my waterfowling in that area. That buffie in ice is in saltwater.

The carving kit is well traveled. It has been riding along on several late season trips. I was planning on carving in the boat. The COLD shut that plan down. Not being able to feel my fingers seemed like a BAD idea when using a knife. I was working on a head about 15 minutes in the house when my wife caught me, gotta wait for warm weather. We just finished a renovation and got things cleaned up. She is not about to let me make a mess in the house, even if it is a small mess!

That is one of my all time favorite pictures. I think he is thinking "We'd have a lot more than this with me behind the gun!" I was with Gene from SE PA here on the site that day so Luke was not along like he ussually is. He did make a comment about all the empty shells and "only" three birds. I told him I picked up a lot of Gene's empties! He didn't buy it for a minute. He's seen my shooting prowess, or lack there of. Gotta love kids, they cut right to it.

Best wishes,
Gene Jr.
Hey Gene,
Nice pictures! Sounds like you had a good season as well. After this season I realized I didn't take as many pictures as i should have, and am going to try to do some more.
Do you do any late season goose hunting? I've got some decoys but no place to hunt. I think all the Canadas are inland, and I don't have any property to hunt. The snows are off to areas that are closed, so you kind of have to hope for a flyby.
I have started a Herters burlap project, and am going to do smoe divers, widgeon and Brant. Should keep me distracted for a while.

Take care,


I normally don't make a special trip for late season geese. I hunt all salt and brackish water and see very few geese. I've had some good late season goose shoots when everything else was frozen up and they wanted in the only open water around. To many variables to make the three hour trip for. I have about 2 dozen Herters goose floater that haven't seen the water in two seasons. I'd rather hunt ducks and brant.

I saw the burlapped bodies in the pictures you posted. You're braver then me to do that in the house! I do it in the kids "play room", we have a spare kitchen we use for a play/craft room. The house was a 3 unit rental when we bought it. We have two units and still rent one out for now. A spare kitchen is a handy place to burlap and paint but I still can't carve in there, too many toys!
