Finishing my mini-console...

John Robinson

Well-known member
You guys may have noticed the scabbed together, temporary console I used to get my boat launched and operational for a few hunts. I came to the conclusion that if I left it that way for this season, it might stay that way for a long time, so I decided to bite the bullet and finish it now, here's pics...






I wanted to go with as minimal a console I could think of to leave more room in the boat to move around. I like Neil's console it is functional and provides permanent storage spece, but it forces you to divide the boat into separate work spaces. If I had a tiller motor I might have just gone that route, but the used motor I ended up with was set up for remote steering, so I had to come up with something.

Here's Neil's console on his Snow Goose...

the only drag for me with that configuration is the inability to stand... I stand a lot during the hunting phase... retrieving deeks, launching deeks, coming into shore and looking for rocks... I made something similar to Neil's and driving it is a blast... Sitting is an option too...
I sanded and painred it last night...

Good comment about standing, though I drive while sitting at least 90% of the time. I'm taking the boat hunting tomorrow, I'll have to test and see if I can drive it while standing, I think I can.

great post on the snowgoose hunt... please ask Neil to take some pics of your boat in action - perhaps one of you standing ; )

I rarely sit, I'm too excited to do so... but the footprint of your console and mine is actually similar... what I do like about your console is the quality of the finish and I've always like the wheel on top, reminds me of the old fishing/clamming boats around where I grew up.
great post on the snowgoose hunt... please ask Neil to take some pics of your boat in action - perhaps one of you standing ; )

I rarely sit, I'm too excited to do so... but the footprint of your console and mine is actually similar... what I do like about your console is the quality of the finish and I've always like the wheel on top, reminds me of the old fishing/clamming boats around where I grew up.

I forgot to mention my inspiration for this console was Capt. Jeff's fishing boat, so thank you Capt. Jeff for posting those photos last summer. As for standing I did try it just to see how it works, I can stand and steer ok with a slight hunch, but for some reason I like to walk around in my waders, pulling the boat with me as I set my dekes. Neil much prefers to do everything from inside the boat, just different styles I guess.
