First Hunt of the Year in Coastal Alabama


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The boy and I headed down to the saltwater of MS Sound to see if we couldnt shoot a few scaup and redheads. Reports had been really good and I was optimistic.
Well, the day wasnt a bust, I hit all 5 birds to come into range: 2 common mergansers, a drake buffie and 2 hen greater scaup.
Other than that, not many birds flying at all. Some guys east of us were banging away all morning, but no one we ran into saw a lot of birds or did a lot of shooting. One group I talked to had some nice redheads, they got 5 out of the only flock to come over the decoys. Another group had a few bluebills and buffies. One guy had a stud drake ruddy. And a coot, which is weird for that area.

Unfortunately, Youri did not get a shot at all, so no first duck for him yet.

And on another frustrating note, Coco, who has been doing great with dead birds in the back yard, did not seem to get it once we were on the water. She would go up to the birds and sniff them but would not pick them up. I am not sure if the saltwater or all the distractions of the world got to her or what. When we got back home, I threw one of the mergansers for her about 10 times and after a rusty first couple of retrieves, she did great again. Given my lack of time (and daylight these days) to train her, I may be looking for professional help with her. Or she might just be a good pet and boat-buddy. Either way, she's a great dog.

Overall, the number of birds here has really fallen off. With all the "duck dynasty" newbies, the birds are getting hammered and we just arent getting new birds. If we dont get cold weather soon, things are going to get very tough here on the coast.
Sounds like a pretty good first hunt of the year to me. Youri will get his chance soon I'm sure. I know very little about training dogs but have you had training retrieves on the water? Maybe the idea of haveing to swim and retrieve is something new?
We've had very little water training, access to gator-free water is hard to find. The area we were in today, she could walk, so no swimmming.

Getting into the water doesnt seem to be an issue, she gets right in & figured out getting back in the boat out quick too. Just doesnt seem real interested in the birds, maybe too much other stuff to see????
Just doesn't seem real interested in the birds, maybe too much other stuff to see????


That would be my thought as well. First time I had Ginger out of the yard and in a nearby training area, she was way too interested in all the new smells to pay me or the dummies any attention.
Hopefully Youri will get some shooting and maybe by then Coco will be retrieving with no problems.
This new Pup I have was like that for a while.

Perfect on dummies. Perfect on dummies with feathers attached. Perfect on Pigeons.

On her first retrieve on a real duck in a hunting situation, she swam out to it on a perfect line, but when she got to it, swam around in circles barking at it. I left her out there, went out to get it myself and worried it a little with her all the way back. (if you don't know what that means, you take the bird and gently "tease her" with it. Not enough to cause her to be rough and want to play tug-of-war with it, just enough to get her excited). When we got back to shore, I threw it several times for her to go and get. A little tentative at first, but after a few times with the big fat Mallard in her mouth, she was hooked. haven't had a problem with dead ones since.

Then there was the first cripple. My Son and I were hunting on the East Coast. I knocked down a drake Buffie that landed about fifty yards out and very alive. I sent her out after it. Perfect sit-mark-launch. When she got to the bird, again she just swam after it barking at it. (Actually would have been a pretty comical site if she wasn't MY Dog!). As we watched her swim after it, I was verbally coaxing her to "fetch". Well I guess she got tired of swimming. All of a sudden I could see a glint of determination in her actions. She swam hard and fast and made a succesful lunge after it. She clamped down on the kicking and flapping bird. She brought it to hand and has not had a problem since.

I guess my point here, if there is one, is give him a little experience, time and positive encouragement. I'm sure he'll do fine.

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I can conmisserate with you on the dog, Carl. My Lucy, a Brit Lab, is only now reliably retrieving ducks in this her third season. Perfect on canvas or quail or any duck on land, didn't want to get ducks in the water. I tried everything but what finally worked was not worrying about it, just going out and having fun.

That is going to be my approach. If nothing else I'll have someone to talk to during the solo hunts!