For Mike. My quest for Kings

Adam Stevens

Active member
My search of canvasbacks is a long and storied history. I`ve driven many miles and scouted a lot, especially last season, I drove 7 hours but was too late, they had already left their breeding grounds.

My uncle had talked of seeing cans in a certain area he hunted way back in the 80s he never shot one but had seen them.

I could go on and on and on with my stories of trying to canvasbacks but today was the day and it been 5-6 years in the making finally. I`ll let the pictures do the talking.

Thanks again Mike for the can decoy. I told my dad and brother this morning its like the old saying, if you build it they will come. I said if I float this cans will come.

My rig was 1dz cans, 2 dz bluebills courtesy of a friend and 1 Yukon Mike bull can. I did two long lines, and v`d the scaup line to create an extra line.


Alot of bluebills have been taken over these on the east coast in their history I`m sure.


I even thought these were a raft of bluebills till I binoc`d them hahahah


The very first bird that flew through the lines, a flock of three. I honestly thought they were mallards, I can tell the difference in flight of bluebills, ge, buffies, everything else but Cans for some reason they fly differently, i find very mallard like but not until in the decoys could I tell. But so a flock of 3, two drakes and a hen came through the lines, As they were leaving I realised what they were, I fired one shot, and down came a tumbling drake bull canvasback. My first ever can and what a beauty!!!


It was a slow day, but I was happy enough to just have one in the bag, I was done and a happy man but I had two singles come in aswell. I passed of a few goldeneyes, lots of buffleheads, and a couple hen bluebills. I thought this was another drake can that tried to lite but once I shot it I knew it was a hen. And then I had another decoy in so perfectly I had to take it and it was a younger hen can.


Some skinny water but my layout and mud motor worked excellent. If I get out again, only one week left in the season so we`ll see. On cloud 9 so to speak. Drakes headed for the wall.


Awesome. That is a beautiful Canvasback. I too have never taken one. My pursuit is to follow. I have others on the list right now.

What boat is that you are hunting out of?

Congrats on the persistence and accomplishing a well deserved goal.

I to, after 20 some years of water-fowling had never shot a Can until this year. My son and i made a trip to Louisiana to hunt with a couple of guys i had met on another forum, they promised me a can! i thought it was quite bold but low and behold they came through.... see it there, on the left....
even had a band!

