Forgetting stuff

Neal Haarberg

Active member
I was going to do a morning hunt before work a couple days ago and when I was close to the ramp I had realized I forgot my gun. After feeling really dumb I starting thinking about all of the other things I have forgotten that have made it a rough trip like the boat plug, facemask, calls. One time we forgot the dog. He was running around when we were loading up the gear and we just forgot to put him in the truck. We had to drive over the coast range and had no cell phone service for about 45 min. When we dropped down into range there like 18 missed calls from my buddies wife. Cooper chased us down the street barking the whole time waking up the neighbors. So just curious, I can't be the the only one to do this stuff is there anybody out there willing to admit to it? My buddy I call ourselves Team Dumbass for a reason but it never seems to spoil the fun.
Forgot my license once last year, and forgot the keys to my trigger lock another time. Once, my buddy grabbed his 20 gauge out of the cabinet but grabbed the 12 gauge shells. Didn't realize that until we were out there and everything was set up. Doh!

Don't feel stupid, everyone forgets something now and then. As long as you laugh about it and have a good time, that's all that matters ;)
Forgot to take the keys out of the truck after I backed the boat into the water.
Which otherwise would not an be an issue but I had accidently hit the lock & then the wind blew the door shut. Felt real stupid with the trailer in the water, truck running & I am miles from the nearest house at 4:30 am.
Sucked it up & broke out the rear sliding window. Parked the truck with a broken window & went hunting anyway.
Forgot to take the keys out of the truck after I backed the boat into the water.
Which otherwise would not an be an issue but I had accidently hit the lock & then the wind blew the door shut. Felt real stupid with the trailer in the water, truck running & I am miles from the nearest house at 4:30 am.
Sucked it up & broke out the rear sliding window. Parked the truck with a broken window & went hunting anyway.

Had the same thing happen when we went moose hunting this year. One of the guys got a new truck. It only had 20 miles on it when we left home. 6 guys were heading north in two trucks and about an hour from camp we stopped at the roadside to stretch and take a leak. One truck got locked while running and both sets of keys were in the truck. Fortunately we had the other truck with every tool known to man in it. A little rebar wire, some cutters, a couple of screw drivers and rags to protect the paint and we were in. LOL I am sure a few folks driving by wondered what the heck we were up to. I know the owner of the brand new locked truck was having fits.

At some time or another I have forgotten shells, keys to the trigger lock, calls, hats, gloves, etc. Can't say I ever forgot the dog either. LOL
I have forgotten a few things but none that kept me from hunting. I didn't forget the dog, but just recently I loaded up everything into the truck and was ready to roll, asked my son if he was ready to go and he said yes. Started to roll down the driveway at the camp and asked when he loaded the dog. He said I though you loaded the dog. I had not loaded Kip. I went back to the camp and Kip was still sitting where I told him to stay when I was putting on my boots. I never released him and he just sat there watching us load up and never left the spot.
I've forgot to get Cassie out of the kennel in the back of the truck on more than one occasion. One time I made it about 100 yards from the boat launch and then heard her barking and realized she was still crated. Getting older sucks.

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I always put a set of keys around my neck before I leave the house to take care of that one. Booker is underfoot from the time I start packing so there is no chance of leaving him home. Most everything else has been left home at least once. I start packing the boat in the garage in Aug so most things are there when I leave. Making do without something builds character and stories. Getting old is NOT for sissies. Checklists help though.
Neal we must be related some where! I have forgot the gun and the dog on separate occasions along with waders and other important items.

I now lay everything out the night before and run the list and check it twice.

Yes getting older does suck, especially when I forget my glasses that I now need to read small and medium sized print!
Getting older sucks.

Oh don't even start that Eric. Heck there are guys here on this forum that make even me look like a youngster. Last hunt I was on the guy I was hunting with is 19 years my junior and no, he is not my son.

I used to forget things all the time but that doesn't happen anymore. Now I just tell myself I never intended to bring it in the first place. :>) :>) downsizing, lightning the load, going minimalist etc.
I forgot my gun once at the parking area where I was hunting, leaning against one of the upright posts. Have locked my keys inside the truck enough times I now just bend over, pick up a big rock and pick out the window I want to break. Once forgot my hunter orange vest after getting onto a Tensas Nat'l Refuge. Knowing I'd get busted real quick I panicked since it was a long drive to any nearby store that may have one. Asked a passing rig if they had one they'd sell and they gave me one that had been used cleaning grease. Smelled like a mechanics shop. but we got our deer.
I've NEVER forgotten anything.... ha ha There is this guy that I hunt with once in awhile that FORGOT to load his gun this year... Just sayin....
When I was about 13 or 14 I forgot my glasses. I wasn't a morning person, still not, and when my dad and brother woke me up I think I just put on clothes and walked right to the car in a fog. My eyesight wasn't as bad then as it is now but I don't think I shot much that day.

The scary part is all you guys that are saying getting old sucks, I'm only 36... I'm screwed. I have a routine of getting everything ready the night before and If I don't something gets forgotten. The brain just doesn't work to well in the morning. As far as leaving stuff in the parking lot. After leaving a flyrod on the top of my truck and then driving away and then leaning another against the truck and then backing over it. I now have a rule that NOTHING is placed on the ground or on the truck. Guns and rods go INSIDE the truck before anything else happens.
Brought the 20 instead of my 12 one time, didn't realize it until we were set up and I uncased it. left my gun in the truck, one time I backed down the ramp, got out with the truck running and the door slammed and was locked....good thing I had a spare key in my wallet. Forgot the calls and boat plug more than once.

But NEVER forgot the dog....he won't let me. I didn't even need the alarm this morning.....he's whining 30 minutes before I plan to get up.....

Gave me time to check in here this morning.....hehehe
As I am past the half centenary mark, most all I need for a hunt lives in the boat all season; shells,calls, spare gloves, waders, blocks-etc. The gun & lunch is all I have to take as I leave the house. One of the first things I do when I get another vehicle is have another door key made & carry it on another key ring always! Best $2.50 ever spent!!! I use lists a lot too. I still forget things, but not much anymore. The Dog- has never happened, I fear his wrath if I ever do that! Yall have a great christmas!!!
funny you brought this up just the hunt the other day ,i left the gun in the truck ,not so bad as i could walk back to get it.... in all the hussle getting the toboggan filled up with gear for the drag ,and getting daisy out ,away we went and low and behold daisy had the look on her face well dad what the heck are ya gonna get the birds with today???then Ok lets go for another walk back to the truck...god love her she is so patient with me...i love her dearly she is the only one who will put up with me lol and my forgetfulness..
my missus is not so patient she says it gets tiresome reminding me all the time,,the big A is in my family so i fear i may be on that path some days...

when that day comes far off i hope ,it will be "Hi there how are you? do I know you??"Would you like to go hunting ducks?

at that point everyone will be friends i have not met yet...

ive forgotten

to get trailer inspected /or registered probably every other year..

forgotton shell bag


even left the motor leaning up on the shed right where i load up...

forgot main line crate had to use blue poly that day lol yes we got birds???

oh and the gun of course...

and we will not mention how many times ive taken the wrong turn getting to certain places..almost everytime ,,,and then remember im on the wrong road when i see the turn around spot DA!!

its always entertaining at some point...

all the best guys


DO i KNow you?? DO you HUnt??Wanta go hunt some ducks??
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