Free boats!

recently that said the same thing is happening with privately owned horses....too expensive to board and maintain people are just abandoning them....the person that I spoke with returned to a trailhead after a ride to find two very nice horses, (healthy, shoed and obviously well cared for), tied to his horse trailer with a note stating that the owners could no longer afford to feed them and that they hoped they woudl be well taken care of....

Less than a couple of days after that I saw a news item on TV talking about how many horses are being taken to "rescue shelters".....

I'm sure there are more than a few horses released into pastures with other horses that no one knows about until suddenly someone notices the head count is up.....

Times are doubt about that.....

I'll be willing to bet that if it gets any worse some states will have some type of "lost title" thingy that would allow you to get it registered.
In MD and I believe VA as well you can apply for an abandoned boat title.
I have never done it, so I am not sure how many hoops you have to jump through to get it done.
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recently that said the same thing is happening with privately owned horses....too expensive to board and maintain people are just abandoning them....the person that I spoke with returned to a trailhead after a ride to find two very nice horses, (healthy, shoed and obviously well cared for), tied to his horse trailer with a note stating that the owners could no longer afford to feed them and that they hoped they woudl be well taken care of....

Less than a couple of days after that I saw a news item on TV talking about how many horses are being taken to "rescue shelters".....

I'm sure there are more than a few horses released into pastures with other horses that no one knows about until suddenly someone notices the head count is up.....

Times are doubt about that.....


Yes, duck boats are cheap compared to keeping horses.
recently that said the same thing is happening with privately owned horses....too expensive to board and maintain people are just abandoning them....the person that I spoke with returned to a trailhead after a ride to find two very nice horses, (healthy, shoed and obviously well cared for), tied to his horse trailer with a note stating that the owners could no longer afford to feed them and that they hoped they woudl be well taken care of....

Less than a couple of days after that I saw a news item on TV talking about how many horses are being taken to "rescue shelters".....

I'm sure there are more than a few horses released into pastures with other horses that no one knows about until suddenly someone notices the head count is up.....

Times are doubt about that.....


Horse, its whats for dinner. Seems to solve several problems at once.
Maybe thats distasteful... but then I have never tasted horse so I don't know.

try again.


View attachment freecat.jpg
In all likelihood fixing up one of those "beauties" wil be very expensive. Most of the "free boats" I've seen in NC had no trailers or motors. If something is too good to be true..

Good luck to whoever takes a free boat. Usually you get what you pay for.
A free boat might make a cool guest cabin or fort for the kids. Depends on how much trouble it is to move it I guess.

Horses get ditched here too, all the time. A regular square bale (60-70 lbs) is about $12 each these days. We ship all our hay up from Alberta. Lots of outfitters actually ship their horses out to board rather than ship feed up here. Some just turn them loose to fend for themselves, and collect the survivors in the spring.

I can say that I have eaten horse before.....
I can't remember if it was in Moscow or Lenningrad, but we were served a hard salami made from horse and it wasn't too bad. (It was better than the dog chops. We ate it because we didn't know what the next meal was going to be and it's just meat when you are hungry.

Now back to the boats.... another crazy use for non floating boats.... dear blinds. A friend (Rich) took me deer hunting on his lease in January. The property has two old boats back in the woods that someone had dumped there many years ago. While Rich was giving me the tour of the property, he said that he has sat in the old boats to get out of the wind while huinting. I don't think anyone would ever claim that he was hunting from a vehicle because: there are no trailers under either boats; one boat doesn't have a transom; the other boat has an oak tree growing up through the middlw of the boat.
I had a customer that sank his 50' SeaRay last year, claimed it just went down and came in on his dink. The boat was found by a dragger, the insurance company raised it and took him to court 2 weeks ago. Long story short, the guy took the caps off the strainers disabled the pumps and let the boat go down no where near where he said it went down. Now it looks like he is going to trade in his sunken 50' yacht for a 8'x8' cell.