Freezing up...

John Robinson

Well-known member
Alex (my other young dog), and I went out on saturday trying to beat the cold weather. The river was freezing up along the edges, but we found a little open spot where we were able to set up. It was one of those days where the few ducks that came in were always a little off, left behind my hiding tree, then I move left and the next flight comes in right, or they swing through within range but I pass up the shot hoping for one more circle even closer, but the ducks land just out or range. After all that I was able to shoot one magnificent late season red legged green head. Today the high temp is minus 4, it was forteen below over night, and the river is solid ice from shore to shore.

Here's a few pics of Saturday's hunt...




I'm going down to the lauch ramp in a bit to take a pic of the frozen river which I'll post later.

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Now this is cold...


This is looking down that same shore Alex and were hunting three days ago. I'm pretty confident the ice is thick enough to walk across the river at this point, but I'm not an idiot and feel no need to test that theory.
that is a nice looking golden - looks cold up there.

Thanks for the compliment, I noticed you have a good looking field bred Golden to. My Alex is out of the same breeding program as Eric Patterson's would famous Cassie. I'm very proud of him as we train for and run field trials, a sport dominated by Labs. Running the Qualifying stake this past season, Alex got a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Reserve JAM and multiple JAMs. My other dog Gus, his supposedly more talented brother (actually cousin), won a qual and earned a lot of JAMs, Alex was way more consistant. We take all of hunting season off from training and just have fun chasing ducks and pheasants until after the first of the year.

dang, that is cold. Break out the auger, jigging sticks & tipups.