Garrett's Birthday decoy - Jason Russell

Brian F.

Well-known member
For my son's 7th Birthday (this past week) I had asked Jason Russell to carve one of his favorites. I'm thrilled that he did because this drake Gadwall is specatular!! Thanks again Jason!

Garrett wanted to go on a hunt for his birthday so we were up early and we had a fun morning watching turkeys, wood ducks, mallards and geese. We saw a lot of high flying Migrators too. We even talked to the farmer who's land we were hunting and my son was able to to say, "Thank you for letting us hunt here today."



Glad you guys got out and had some success. Happy belated to Garrett and what a beautiful decoy. I'm sure Garrett will truly appreciate that rig you are assembling for him over the years.
What a great gift! I am lucky to have one of Jason's gadwalls in my rig and its likely my favorite bird. He will definitely treasure and enjoy that block.
That's a great tradition! My son just turned 7 also and it's such a fun age. That's great you got to spend the day hunting with him and that's what HE wanted to do.

What a great shot of your son and his new birthday present. That is one fantastic looking gadwall. WOW! I enjoyed reading what your son said to the land owner. Well done, dad.
What a great way to celebrate a birthday and continue a duck hunting tradition. That looks like one happy fella
Happy birthday, Garrett!

Brian, great choice for his rig. It just makes me think that I've got a lot of practice to do before my decoys look as good as that one!
It is always a pleasure to do a bird for a little guy, knowing that he will hunt over it. Enjoy the time outdoors together. Those are great pictures.