Hailing Tim Shields


Active member
Hi Tim, How has your season been going? This weather has been a killer this year, numbers just not there. Then this year they shorten the Brant season to make matters worst. I'm hoping for a good late goose season, I'm sure there's a lot of geese still up north that haven't started there trip south yet. Only went out once for sea ducks a couple of weeks ago. we did alright but should have done better if a couple of us would have shot better. We are going to try one more time before it ends next week. When is your next get together at the duck shack?
Your correct -this has been a really slow season for us-
We have tons of ducks but with the ponds being open they arent coming to the salt like they do-when it locks up!

We were just talking about having a get together?
when can you and mike make it?
Our DU dinner is 2/16-hope you guys can make it?

We dont usually hunt the late north season-as we dont really have inland spots.....

Let me know what works for you guys and we will run it by the RI crew