

Hi all, new to the forum and wanted to introduce myself.
My name is John Ehlers aka jehler, active on a couple other forums and recognize a few names here. I am a remodeling contractor in N. MI, my son and I hunt birds all over the state, mainly targeting divers. My 12 year old son has been hunting with me since he was 4 and is now the cheif decoy carver and assistant reloader. A real nice collection of skilled people on this sight, it will be a while before I post a pic of one of our blocks after looking at pis of the ones here lol but someday we'll get there!
a few pics of what's dearest to me save the wife and daughter, they keep their distance once the camo comes out:
Jr.'s first duck and the pooch


Welcome to the site, John. Best of luck during your duck season and make sure to post allot of pics. Two very nice shots that you included. It is always good to see youngsters out after ducks.
Thanks for the welcome.
Al, if you like pictures I'll post them up, the company bought my brother and I digital slr cameras a few years ago and some days if the light is right I enjoy shooting with it as much as the shotgun, the recoil is less anyway! I'm no Jeff Coats but we get some decent pics none the less and I would be happy to share