Hen Oldsquaw

My father has a hen oldsquaw (long-tailed duck for those who are PC) that he will be receiving from the taxidermist soon, as an addition to that I would like to carve out a decoy as well. The problem i am encountering is finding good photos of decoys. If anyone of you could provide me with a few photos of hen oldsquaw decoys, (side profile, and from the top) I would appreciate it.

Thank you in advance!
Good luck with the decoy. Like some other hens, an OS hen looks pretty drab and washed out until you see a real good, flully plumed out example then the feather definition pops out real well. I still remember the day Otto delivered the hen Common GE that I have on the wall - the best example of a hen GE that I had ever seen. Seems like the best hen examples of some species are pretty rare. Show us a pick when you are done.