Herters heads


Well-known member
I've had a number of PMs and am going to reply to them right now but I think I;'me safe to say these are all sold

I have some Herters heads that are the puddle duck style. I think they are 63's but not sure they are bigger than the standard ones and look about right on a goose body. Not sure what they are worth either. I have I think 15 or 16 of them and I think I have the bolts somewhere too. They are unpainted and never been used. I'd like to sell them all together. Is $5 each shipped a fair price on them or am I out of my mind? Not looking to get rich off them (duh) but I'm not looking to give them away either. If you can give me some way to check to determine what model number they are based on size I'm happy to.

I also have somewhere between 6 and a dozen goose bodies, standard size I think that are unused as well. Once again not sure on how much they are worth. They would make nice big mag mallards or blacks with the heads.

Take Care


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