Basically, in Alabama, we have no on-shore impact from the oil, yet. A few tarballs have washed up and most of those are from other sources.
Finding some dead sea turtles and oiled birds that have floated in.
But we have had no oil or even sheen in our water up to this point.
All Alabama beaches are open for business, the weather is great, water is warm and the fish are biting. Come on down.
The media is really doing the central Gulf coast a dis-service by making it sound like the whole coast is coated in oil. The only place with real onshore impacts is Louisiana. Its a mess down there, and going to get worse. But in Mississippi, Alabama and Florida, the beaches are fine.
We are still deploying lots of boom, making plans to react to any oil reaching here and all us natural resource people are on perpetual stand-by. Sort of like a slow motion train wreck but your not real sure when or where the train will actually de-rail. The worst impact for me to date is that it killed my trip to WI to pick up my "new" boat. So, no boat for me this summer.