Hey gdriscoll, were those your BBSBs at Raccoon Creek? (Pics)

Eric Patterson

Staff member
If it was we were hunting on the other side of 117 from you.






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Hey. Eric. Yup that was me. I was way in the back with my Fricke box
The one on the trailer is a 1970s Sam Hunt box. In need of TLC
But that will have to wait till next summer. I had a slow afternoon. Hope
You faired better.

I was there too. Nice boat. It has been a strange season, this one. Both Eric and I liked yor BBSB. When the hunting gets tough, the tough go hunting. Killing them with a playstation 3.7 isn't the same and the e-birds don't eat so well. Better to take a bird in it's realm with a respectable boat and gun. We may never have our parents conditions, nor world, we should make the best with what we have, Good hunting in your nice boats.

Too bad we weren't there earlier or we could have met in person. Probably would have blown the afternoon hunt talking about it instead of doing it :)

What are the dimensions of that Sam Hunt?
You guys are killing me!! Now I need to go out and blow a couple feet of snow off the drive way in way below zero cold. ;-) Oh yes, very cool boats and thanks for sharing.
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Thx. The shorelandr trailer is 100 inches. It fits inside my garage. The Sam Hunt box is 10.5' x 4' and Fricke box is 12' x 4.5' ( i am not 100% sure on the width dimensions). To get them both to fit on the jet ski trailer I had to raise one set of bunks so the boats slightly overlap. I have a mud motor on the Fricke box and a 15 hp 2 stroke on the Hunt box. When hunting with my son, we will use the mud motor to tow the outboard if the weed gets to thick.

Craig... Yup I certainly turn heads. Although they are not the same advantage as they are in NJ. Where i have been hunting there is Very little marsh. a lot of flooded woods. So the low profile is not as deadly. Also the mellonseed hull is Not good when you hit a submerged stump. The boat rolls off the stump burying the feather edged gunnel. That wakes you up at 4 am!
Capt Rich. I have enclosed a pic of the boats on the trailer. The system works well.... my sons cannot drive yet.
Yes, John, mine is a Sam Hunt too, though mine is 12ft long and 5ft wide and built as a sailboat. Same lines and same details that I can see in the pictures posted though.
This Sammy was a sailing one too. The daggerboard slot was remove by my friend in the early 90s. He made the dog box as well.