Hey Lee...............Dies & brass arrived today!

Dave Parks

Well-known member
Judy and I spent most of the day at the County Planing Department getting our property lot line change application filed which took hours and $860.00 to get filed! We do all the paperwork and they get paid all that money to review and O.K. it! I did mangage to weasel my way out of a $1,500 survey they wanted by doing some quick thinking and the use of a calculator. BTW there are 43,560 square feet in an acre, knowing that today saved my butt $1,500.
We now have a 44.50 acre parcel and an 80.15 acre parcel instead of a 23 and a 101.

When we got home a little after 6pm I saw your package in the mail box. You failed to mention that they were NIB and RCBS Carbide dies! So, since you failed to advisee me of this........I will have to add ANOTHER years subscription of "Shooting Sportsman" magazine. I can't do it until you get your first copy though. Otherwise you may wind up with TWO one year subscriptions at the same time. Save and mail me the cover address tag off the first copy you recieve in a fe wweeks, I need it to extend the subscription a second year.

Thanks again, for the .45 L.C. dies & brass, now I can get to reloading all that brass I have.

Well now..that only took a week or so..for what it cost to mail that little package, I figured maybe 3 days..the bastards! Hey...instead of another years subscription....you wouldn't happen to have a J frame rear sight setup laying in a junk box somewhere would you? As I was looking at those dies..and the 2 boxes of brass/loads I had...I don't think I ever ran a case in them..had to laugh. I whacked a ground hog in the back yard with one of those Winchesters and it turned to pudding...Colby ran over and shook the shit out of it. Enjoy those dies buddy.
Lee, I'll have to look. I know I have a rear sight for a K-Frame. Until recently the J-Frame was just a notch in the frame. 40 years ago we used to put reat sights on our S&W 36's. And used to order the rear sights for the .22/32 Kit Guns to put on the J-Frames after they came out. One of my all time favorite handguns wee the Model 63 stainless .22 Kit Gun. Always had it while running my trapline. I don't think I have a sight now that will fit a J-Frame, but I'll look.

Mines a model 34-2 ,"real bluing" (holster worn though) .22 cal that was made back in the early 60's I think.It's slicker than bear grease and accurate as hell. It's my favorite pistol but the rear sight blade snapped in two when I dropped it in the parking lot..then I boogered up the windage screw and guts trying to take it apart. I see Brownells shows them online for about 50 bucks..I should just quit procrastinating and order one I guess.The one on my mod 15 snubby is too wide where it sits on the backstrap as is the one on my old mod 27.

I think I'd just order the complete sight fixture from Smith and install it as it's only held on by one screw in the base that goes into the top strap.

I sized, primed and belled 300 rounds of .45 L.C. today, but I need to set-up my Lyman 650 lube/sized and run the bullets through it that I had cast awhile back, so I can load them. I had Judy pick me up an 8# keg of Unique at Sportsman's Warehouse last summer when she made a run up to Portland. I like Unigue, it's a bit dirty, but it will load just about every pistol round, plus I use it for loading 20 ga. too.


Dave I have loaded pounds of unique in 20ga years ago, and a friend loads 45 Colt.Your right, it is dirty however,the new powder is much more inproved in that respect.I believe you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Yeah Dave..that's what I've been looking for. Gun Parts used to have them when they were Numrich. I've loaded a ton of Unique in pistol rounds..a lot of Bullseye in 38 wadcutter loads too. I agree, Unique is filthy and so is 2400 but man it's accurate..and cheap to load since it doesn't take much to work. I used a ton of Blue Dot and win 296 for hot loads..nothing like singing the hair off your knuckles with a smokin 357 or 44 mag load...ever blow holes in the knees of your jeans from the sideblast of a .44 mag? Cracks me up to watch movies where a dude is shooting a revolver with his hand just in front of the cylinder.....one shot like that is a pure education in real life.