:) How the fight started :)


Well-known member
I rear-ended a car this morning.
So there we are alongside the road and slowly the
driver gets out of the car . . .

and you know how you just get sooo stressed out and
life-stuff seems to get funny?

Yeah, well, I could NOT believe it . . he was a DWARF!
He storms over to my car, looks up at me and says, "I

So, I look down at him and say, "Well, which one are
you then?"

. . . and that's when the fight started . .
That is hilarious..... I guess he did not find the humor in it, short stature.....short temper.
Too freaking funny Dani!!! I just read your post to Judy and she fell off the couch laughing..........good one!

ye haw slap me grand ma that was funniest thing ive heard in years had tears rollin ,been sick for over 2 weeks and i can hardly breathe but i laughed me arse off..so who won the fight ??
Too funny .... Thats what ya get for traveling the yellow brick road.
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Hope you did it up right. Maybe you ought to get together with my cousin Bubba and ya'll could take out all of the Lollipop kids. Be careful of litle people as they sometimes carry little guns, knives and it's only natural that they hit below the belt.

Be careful out there among them English,
Hey, that's funny the second, even the third time!
I have heard that exact same story before on another site.