How to you "touch up" Eider Decoys

Hey Guys,

I'm beating the tar out of some of the old foam and burlap decoys I picked up when I started this new hobby. The Scoter bodys are easy to touch up since they are all black. I just spray bomb them with ultra flat black. But the Eiders are a different story. I can't get a clean white and black separation. Whats the best way to do it? Do you mask off the wings, airbrush (I dont have), template?

Fortunately my new Quack decoys are darn near bullet proof and this is just an issue on my older ones.
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I'm not overly impressed with my Quack Decoys. I haveto dain the water out of them after every trip. the water get in around the neck I think, nor do I like the brass triangle connection. its too soft I've straighted them out on occasion
Capt. Jack.... I drill a 1/4" hole in the keel and put a split ring (key ring) on the keel so I can attach my linebto the decoy (I use snaps on all of my decoy lines/ single rigged and long lines. As far as the water getting in around the head, I have siliconed the heads in place or I have also put a couple wraps of electrical tape around the base to make good and snug......
