I Need Your Help

Eric Patterson

Staff member
[font "Arial"]I am working on a video promo for the site re-launch and have been gathering pictures to go in it. The promo is going to showcase the people and talents we have here at duckboats.net and our interests. Think of it as an introduction about us to an outsider, or a walk down memory lane to current a member. About 40k pictures have been posted to this forum and wading through them is quite a task. A lot of them are from a decade ago and digital cameras have come a long way since then. Nonetheless there are a ton of awesome pictures, but it's like trying to pan for gold. What I'm after is the best of the best to go in the promo. This is where you guys come in. I need help finding those nuggets of gold. I need the best 50. [/font]
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[font "Arial"]Point me to the best pictures on this site. Maybe you posted originally, or maybe someone else did but you remember seeing it. Perhaps you have a few minutes and can mine a few nuggets by using the search tool. In any case, please send me a link to the picture. It can be a picture of anything that this site relates too. You can right click and copy the image link and send it to me in a PM. Please don't post the picture or link here. Send me the link in a PM and I'll pick the ones for the promo.[/font]
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[font "Arial"]Thank you for your help. [/font]
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[font "Arial"]Eric[/font]
I think the picture that Jon Yenulonis had of his dog leaning against the inside of his boat was one of the all time greats. Jon was a terrific personality here, I think others will know this photo if you don't Eric. And it would be a nice tribute to him and our memories of him, and how he contributed to duckboats.

I miss Jon being around here. I believe you are referring to his avatar. I'll look tonight and see if he ever posted a bigger version of it.


Thank you kindly for sharing those. There are some spectacular shots in that batch. WOW! I've now amassed more than enough for the promo and am still going through pictures. Soon I'll move to culling. That will be harder than mining them.


Thank you for the replies and PMs. A huge help. I was able to mine deep and get what I believe are really great shots from the pictures posted here over the years. In the end I had far too many to go in one 3 min promo. Enough left over to do more projects down the road.

FYI, the new forum development is progressing nicely. All the content from this site is now there (except for the last week or so). The next step is to make it look like this place style wise and not a generic right out-of-the-box forum. I still don't have a firm launch date but by New Years Day seems attainable.

More to come...
