Krylon Matte Finish 1311

scott barmby

Active member
Just finished some Herters 72 burlap divers with parker decoy paint..Would you put on a couple of coats of the krylon...and how long do you wait to put it on...I read some guy waiting 14 days...It is 90 degrees...They dry fast!!
I did the same job a few years ago.It was also about,85-90 degrees.
I waited only about 2-3 days and they held up extremely well.
Hi Scott,
You must allow the parkers to fully dry/cure. Like all enamels, it dries by loosing solvents and cures by a chemical reaction with Oxygen. It depends upon how thick the paint is to understand how long before it's ready to top coat. Use the back of your hand. If it is cooler than expected, it is still not dry/cured.

You must be careful with the Krylon 1311. When Sherwin Williams bought out Krylon...they destroyed it. It's now shinier than before and it lifts paint if you are not careful. If you must use the Krylon...spray mist coats and flash off the solvent immediately with a hair drier. If you don't...the solvents in the 1311 can lift and curdle the paint. It's not a pretty sight.
I stopped using Krylon over a decade ago. The only time I sometimes use the 1311 is to bring out the iridescence in the head but that's all.
If you don't...the solvents in the 1311 can lift and curdle the paint. It's not a pretty sight.
Yeah, what Lou said. Lou is there some other brand of clear coat you use now? Tim
There are a couple that work.
1. Testors Dull Cote #1260 (3 oz. cans)
2. Flat Clear by Top Flite-at model airplane hobby shops
3. Flat Clear by Perfect Paint-at model airplane hobby shops.


Yeah, what Lou said. Lou is there some other brand of clear coat you use now? Tim
Thank you Lou.
I have had Krylon pull the acrylic paint on a fish I had painted, it had a base coat of spray paint so I suppose the solvent got to that. Not a good experience.

Maybe I did something wrong but the last time I used the Testors Dull Coat my decoys dried with a heavy whit film and had to be sanded and repainted
Maybe I did something wrong but the last time I used the Testors Dull Coat my decoys dried with a heavy whit film and had to be sanded and repainted

I bet it was a little humid when you sprayed them. That happens with the krylon stuff unless it is desert dry out. If you have a hair drier right there to flash off some of the solvent it won't cloud up like that. You can also sometimes reaply the clear coat over the cloudy film on a very dry day and the lower coat will clear up.

Yep, humidity does that, makes it look frosted. I have a couple of model planes with that look, I sprayed them outside during the summer in south Alabama. First and last time I did that, after that I did them inside with the AC set on 70 for a couple of hours.
Thanks..guys...sounds like I need to wait till later in the year to clear coat them..We are at 85-95% humidity now..

just gunnin decoys..that do not sink when they get shot!!

btw I missed that it was Parker paint you used. I wouldn't worry too much about a clear coat. Parkers may not be the best paint but it isn't bad either. I've used it on some canvas decoys and never used anything over it. It may scuff up a little but shouldn't be too bad. Probably easier to touch up later on then to spray them all.

Guys thanks for the help....Rig is done...Not going to clear coat them...I am going to see how the parker paint holds up!!

The Diver Gunnin Rig!!

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Canvasback Gunnin Hen

I have an old plastic/fiberglass Sears Gamefisher 14 foot tri-hull that I've shot a lot of ducks and geese from over the years. Seems like every year I think I really should paint it camo. This may be the year. Can I spray paint it directly with Krylon camo paint? All experiences and suggestions appreciated!