Last day of Virginia early season

Rhett Owens

Active member
I carried a buddy that doesn't hunt with me. He wanted some pictures and I wanted some of me and my son.
We set up on a creek off the river, the river is low and we had to drag the boat in the last 50 yards of the creek. We sat in between a couple of logs that were washed up on the bank and waited.


As soon as it got shootin' time a single flew over, I tried to get my son to shoot but he didn't see the duck, and when I shot straight over my head neither did the young dog. I sent her out hunting dead for the cripple and she saw him splashing about 40 yards away and took off after him, luckily the water was only about 6" deep and she had no problem running him down. That got her fired up!
It was getting mighty late for wood ducks and we were getting ready to load up when a group of about 8 tried to land in the middle of the creek. This time everybody saw 'em. I waited, ya'll know how how long it takes a 9 year old to get a gun up, and my son shot once and knocked down a hen. Belle saw this one and after a good chase finally pushed her up against the bank and caught her too.
You don't get much happier than this...

Took our hero shot and started picking up.


Short ride back with the sun just coming over the trees, makes a fine morning.

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