Late season cold weather hunt...

John Robinson

Well-known member
Neil and I took his Snow Goose out this morning on the river. Artic air is moving into the area, it was single digits overnight and 11 degrees when we left the ramp at 8:30. Most of our sloghs were all frozen, we ended up scaring about 40 Mallards out of a tiny open spot where a creek/slogh flows into the river, so we set up there. We hunted until 11:00, nothing until the very end when a flight of green wing teal dropped into the dekes, we got three out of the flight.

Heres pics...

Our set up.

We wrapped the boat blind around a big stump for our blind, that's Gus sitting in front of the blind.

Neil picking up the last deke.

The Snow Goose in action.

Neil and Gus driving back to the ramp.

We're heading back out tomorrow with my Cackler and Neil's little layout boat. I'll bring Alex this time. It's supposed to be colder, might be that last duck hunt till it warms up again, minus 12 by Monday though.

John that sure looks cold I hope you had your fur underpants on. thanks for posting the photo's
God Bless
Now thats what Im talking about. Cold Weather Duck Hunt. Ice and gray sky.

Not that I wouldnt take a seat in the Florida Sun with Hitch's toaster cooking biscuts and the tee shirt camo in the boat blind.
Man, when it's that cold, I bet you guys were thinking, "why didn't I install a windshield on this boat?" Hahahaha! The windchill at those speeds can do some damage. Bundle up next time and good luck.
That is duck hunting at it's finest. It's not always about killing limits. You guys are lucky to have such a beautiful area to hunt. That boat is awesome as well!!!
Little trick I picked up from Gregg Kurz in Washington. When running in temps cold enough to freeze your eye lashes put on a pair of goggles. Makes a world of difference. I got mine at a shop selling ATV accessories. I keep them in a zip loc bag when not in use so they are always clean enough to see through.