Spent the day visiting many of the famous sites in Berlin. Took a walking tour that included many of the old Third Reich buildings and memorials. It was about halfway through the tour that I realized it was Memorial Day. The rest of the tour took on a different tone for me when we saw the places where the worst or the worst occurred. Ended up where Hitler committed suicide with his dog and wife and nearby where his body was burned (the first time). Ironic that all that is left of his bunker is a parking lot, some brick pavers and a plot of grass. Fitting that the plot of grass is where the nearby residents let their dogs do their duty.
Hitler had 6,000,000 Jews murdered, 200,000 less than perfect people murdered, Stalin had over 22,000,000 people murdered and the list goes on and on. Many more millions killed in WWII alone.
Freedom is not free, it is not a guarantee. Thank You to all who sacrifice so much for all of us. Thank God for the brave men and women who defend our way of life all over the world. And finally thank you to people on DBHF who served in the military, Wiz (rest in peace), Tom Scholberg, and the many others whose name I cant recall.
Mark W