Leaving sunny florida for the cold midwest....

Ed L.

Well-known member
Sometimes well thought out plans have a tendency to change. It's been a fun ride down here and I'm going to miss the beach, the beer and the gator bites but family rules! Just couldn't be this far away from the kids and family and friends. Besides I can't get used to duck hunting in shorts and tank tops so I start a new job 1.3 miles from my house on October 19th. Looks like I'm back just in time to hit the river for duck and goose season. You guys in Illinois and Iowa are there any new laws I should know about in regards to duck and goose hunting? Any info or links will be appreciated.

Take care,

Ed L.
Welcome back Ed, you were the first guy gordy ever hunted with and he and I are looking forward to doing that AGAIN! Welcome Back Buddy!
33 degrees this morning Ed. Perfect duck hunting weather. WElcome back. New rules in N this year - 30 minutre before sunrise shootin time, 3 wood ducks, split season and so on. Not that you hunt here or anything. See you at the Midwest Gathering next year. Welcome back.

Mark W
You guys in Illinois and Iowa are there any new laws I should know about in regards to duck and goose hunting?

Only that you will be considered an outsider now for at least three years. Bribes of food, gas money, doggie treats, etc. will greatly improve your chances of getting back in good graces.

Thanks for the welcome. I look forward to getting back and seeing you and Gordy. I look forward to a ride in the ShadyLund!


It's funny hearing 30 degree temps. I haven't seen but a hand full of days out of the 90's since May! The water temps are in the up 80's!

Take care,


That's good to hear. With one more woodie in the bag you guys will be shooting more. Hopefully that will send some more towards the Big Muddy....

Have a good season,

Hey Mark,

Thanks. Enjoy'd reading your hunt write-up. Did you get the Showboat rack for your new Jeep? If so how do you like it. Mine will be here tomorrow. We may have to have a LaCrosse hunt this year.

Take care,

Yeah about that Dave,

Jack need some donuts? What treats does the new pup like? Need any gas or wax the Huff box....hehe.

Take care,

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We could always meet at the ramp, where you could wax my truck while I go set the decoys. When done setting decoys, I'd come back to the ramp to inspect your work. Upon approval, you would be allowed to join me in the boat and we would go out and proceed to shoot our limits.

Bonus points could be earned by offering to clean and package all the ducks at the end of the day. Ain't it great to know such and easy going guy?
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LOL...Aren't you suppose to be out hunting. As I recall you did the "Honey Do" list on your day off Friday?

Fortunate for me wax freezes at 30 degrees!
I don't know about your coming back to the Mississippi. Once you deserted us, sticking your nose in the air, your going to have to pay. As Dave says you owe all the midwest guys something. We'll study on it and get back to you. Okay? Welcome back.
wis boz
Wis boz,

I know. I'm not worthy...hehe. Hope you had a good opener with your son.

Take care,

Ed, They have changed a bunch of the boundary lines in Illinois,check it out alot has changed for us in the southern half of the state, differant zones, pick up the new reg book,or I can send ya one, Brian
Where you working at?......will have to see if we can link up for a hunt or two...

I'm a transplant so still paying my dues..... ;)

A buuuummmmmmmer....and here we are just getting to the best time of the season here in FL....NOT hot.

OOOOHHHHH WEEEELLLLL a shame we didn't get more hunts in while you were here. But you're welcome to come back down and hunt with me if you'd like. When you get tired of the cold and snow and ice and need to work on your tan a bit.

Don't worry...i won't make you wax the truck just to hunt with me.

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