Looking for info. on my old duck skiffs/marsh boats

I am a new member here and have been duck hunting since I was a boy. But recently started collecting old duck skiffs/marsh boats and was hoping to get a little info on some of mine. Like approximate year or maker. Thank you


pictures? descriptions? at least a hint LOL

I use Photobucket (free download) to post my photos. Several perspectives - side, decks, bottom, transom - would be helpful for the Duckboat Sleuths on this site.

Geographic origin would also be very helpful.

All the best,


Because that style of boat has been popular and useful for so long it's possible they could be one-off boats made by a local craftsman/hunter. Or people who worked at a shop that made boats. MN and WI have a lot of that stuff. Factory boats that used jig-molds and steamed wood have curves as opposed to what was easier to build for an individual.

I don't recognize the boats as being Shell Lake or similar from Western WI. There is tons of that stuff around Winnebago and Butte De Morts. Without markings or a story/knowledge of where they came from it will be hard to say for sure. Keep asking around perhaps they'll be recognizable.

I'm not an expert and I don't really know much but in my experience, a lot of similar boats were built by individuals in MN/WI for a long time. From plywood going back to canvas covered cedar.