minnesota goose opener

rob paetzold

Active member
Anybody score some early season geese.
I headed to my favorite spot to pass shoot some geese and some guys set up a big spread in the next field (both private fields) since they were there first I decided to go home- no geese for me. In past years if I am solo on opener, I sit in the tree line between the two fields, at the end of the field is a residential development with a pond- geese roost on the pond. When they go out to feed they fly right over. First time anybody hunt the other field. I figured they put in a lot of effort with their spread and we were going to get in each others way plus they were there first.
I got a cut hay field I am going to set up in tomorrow. I have had a little trouble keeping tabs on geese this year I am not sure what's up maybe the full moon has something to do with it. I have not seen birds in my favorite cut sweet corn field.
I did how ever manage to harvest some doves while scouting for geese last week. Saw the doves, got permission, drove home, grabbed the 16 gauge, a box of 1970's vintage federal monarch # 8 target loads, called my buddy to meet me, got the dog in the truck and 2 hours later had 30 doves cleaned and ready to eat.

would have lost 3/4 or them if it wasn't for this guy

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Way to go Rob!!! Opportunity knocked and you answered. The early goose kinda snuck up on me, just bought my license today. Yum Yum doves.
Very nice Rob and very good of you to give the other guys their space - you did the right thing. I wish we could hunt dove in CT - would love to experience a dove hunt with my son.
This is the before during and after.
Doves prepared for the grill
Doves on the grill
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Doves ready for consumption ( photo came out a little dark they're not burn honest!)
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Geese from today got skunked yesterday not seeing a lot of geese this year . Killed these with tungsten super shot, 1 1/4 of 5s in a 2 3/4 gold metal hull
can't say it's a miracle load or not- expensive yes. These guys were inside 20 yards. Dog held tight in his blind did a good job retrieving. Funny thing he would not get out of his blind unless a shot was fired. I called him out and as fast as he could he was back in his blind
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