monster buck


i got shot this video 2 years ago during Illinois' late doe only gun season. Figures... Sorry it is shaky, 400 yards with no tripod makes it tough, but that buck is a giant none the less. Thought I'd share it.

yea, I guess I messed up the link somehow. It is hard to see the deer out there because of the snow. The camera couldn't focus right I don't think.
Looks more like Big Foot to me....I think I need some asprin after trying to see thru that.
on the deer because of all of the snow...if you find yourself in that position in the future go to MANUAL focus and the camera won't be fooled by the snow...

Even at that range, with all the snow you could see the antlers on that deer....look big to me...

ah, thanks... That camera took a dump on me during turkey season last year, so I have a new one now anyway. I will keep that in mind. Thanks man...