motor size

mike sims

New member
What is the rule of thumb on hp/boat size. My projet boat is coming togather, I want to put a 6hp motor on a sunfish sail boat. Will this be to big or not enough?
A 6hp (2stroke?) should be a good starting point. Shouldn't be too much power, and weight shouldn't be an issue either as long as it's not a huge pig of a 4stroke. A 5hp with an internal gas tank would save you some space and weight from needing to put a gas tank in the boat, but I think the 6hp should be fine. Just be a little careful with the throttle until you figure out how the hull handles the power.
What is the length over all and the transom width in feet and inches? What shape is the bottom?
The boat is 10.5 feet and about 24" deep, and 4.5 feet wide. It was 14', but I cut 4' off. The bottem is smooth, I have added some chines. I am working on the transom right now, and I don't know how much to reinforce it. This whole thing is an experment. Thanks guys for the input, and help. I will post pics. KM
I also have a chopped (10') Sunfish conversion boat. I use a 40lb elect motor on mine, it moves very fast and did not see a need for anything bigger.
Let us know how things work out and what size you go with. A picture or two wouls also be nice.

Good luck with your project, MW.