Mystic Boat show Pictures

Bob B

Well-known member
Here are a few from friday. The kids had a very good time.


Diesel Power. What a bad boy!


Bet your band saw doesn't do this


Need some 30 footers cut up?


This boat from Chesapeake Light craft looked handy for backwater duck hunts.


This one from the same company just looked sweet.


For the sailor this racing dingy looks fast just parked.


This builder was doing a nice job on a Brockway style skiff.


It was a fun day and I had a very good time with all three kids. Even got to change a diaper and feed the new one her first hot dog since mom wasn't looking.


great pics.

Had a good time on Sunday. I liked the section where the civilian boat builders showed off their boats - great guys.

Thanks Bob.

I enjoyed the pictures. That band saw with the big circle must have come out of a big ship yard of wooden boats. I got to see one of those used to cut frames for a mine sweeper. They would cut about six inches and change the angle of the saw a few degrees and cut another six inches. The operator had a chart which told him how many degrees. We could build real big duck boats with on of those. hee hee
I really like the Chesapeake Light Craft boats. My dad has made two and they are sweeeeeet! I have plans for a mill creek that I think would be pretty good for duckin the back waters and marsh rattin.

Nice pics. Looked like a good time.