NDR- California senator's speach about gun control

I have a hard enough time getting exercised about the dumb things my own legislators do (and not just on guns). I'd go crazy if I started paying attention to the ones in other states.
IGNORANT FOOL, We can only hope enough people see how stupid these puppets are. Knowledge used to be respected, now just lie and the masses will suck it up. He does sound drunk.
I could go on for hours about idiot's like him in numerous states and gov't offices till my head explodes! Everyday some elected official is caught in a lie and nothing is ever done. No job loss, no loss of pension, no jail time, just a free pass to lie and break more laws and promises. I'll just sum it up in short with, We're doomed as a nation! You fellas in the commie state of NY must want to slit your wrists with that jack wagon you have for governor.
Gene R.
I could go on for hours about idiot's like him in numerous states and gov't offices till my head explodes! Everyday some elected official is caught in a lie and nothing is ever done. No job loss, no loss of pension, no jail time, just a free pass to lie and break more laws and promises. I'll just sum it up in short with, We're doomed as a nation! You fellas in the commie state of NY must want to slit your wrists with that jack wagon you have for governor.
Gene R.


You have no idea ....our governor should have been impeached as soon as he signed the SAFE Act. I can only hope that this becomes the nail in his coffin if he decides to make a run for POTUS.
John, we can only hope him and the Hillary make a blood bath out off the primaries on each other. Two birds with one stone. wink wink.

Gene R.
The time to get fired up is now. The 2014 elections are the way to stop the left wing socialist agenda being perpetrated on this country by the present WH administration.
Support constitutional conservatives whatever the party.Check on their voting record if they vote progressive [liberal] vote them out. I urge you to vote country first personal likes and dislikes aside. Our constitution is being trampled on daily by use of executive orders and executive actions. We can stop the tyranny at the ballot box.
By all means donate to conservative lobbying groups and organizations such as the TEA PARTY, NRA,NAGR,SECOND AMENDMENT FOUNDATION,GOA,etc.etc.etc. My apologies if i have offended anyone that is not my purpose. Put parties aside VOTE COUNTRY FIRST.
I'm sure the red lights are flashing at the NSA this very moment.
California??? Who elects these people??? How about another movie star? Justin Beaver???

Hey, Rich,
Remember that people once said the same thing about Ronald Reagan. He seemed to turn out pretty good. Well, at least I thought so.
Sorry about California bashing. We're bad too, we [not me] elected Hillary and Cuomo. Think about the next elections, ask your friends why they voted, someone had to vote for them. Can't believe the news.