NDR - need advice on porch railings

Bill McAdam

Active member
Hey, guys.
We're getting ready to replace our porch railings as they're getting pretty old and ratty.
I want to go PVC to get rid of upkeep and improve/extend the time to next replacement.
All the stuff we've looked at to date has been gloss (sort of) white.
Wife's now unsure that she wants white.
I don't think that there's any option other than white and bare wood-looking artificial decking material railings.
Question is, can the artificial wood looking material be painted? With epoxy paint or similar?
Can colors other than white be bought?

Thanks in advance.

The plastic decking will expand and contract way too much to hold any paint. The vinyl wouldn't paint any better.

Why not go with treated wood? Lasts almost forever here in Wisconsin. I'm pretty sure you can paint it after you give it a good amount of time to dry out. I'd agree with Andy's comments about the expansion of plastic products.
Bill, check around---possibly, some manufacturers are doing colors--you might want to check about whether krylon fusion would be a viable option---
be on the lookout, there are now plastic eating termites invading the sunny south!!
Bill, do an online search for composite railing. There are many options with a nicer look than vinyl. Also consider iron with a powder coat finish. You can get almost any look that you want with an iron and powder coating combination.................Kevin