Need help with bird ID.

Bob M

Well-known member
any thoughts......the feathers are like an hen eider,,,,,the beak and size like an old squaw......Im lost

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Bob, not sure but it reminds me of an first year king eider hen.

Thanks Jode but maybe too small ?It's the size of an old squaw.....and my friend shot it in the marsh
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I have been seeing a strange mix of birds lately. Did he get it in one of those old spots we talk about. There has been a bunch of different stuff around those parts.
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No John but I shot a hybrid black/mallard today.!/2 green head and green ass LOL
Bob & John~

This is a tough one. I agree with Jode and lean toward Eider - probably a juvenile King Eider. The processes on the upper bill are prominent and extend into the lores (toward the eye). To me, this rules out Oldsquaw (and Harlequin, luckily) and goes toward Eider - as does the body plumage. I edited your pic so I could concentrate on the head and bill:


This photo of a Juvenile King Eider (from Google Images) shows both the bill and body plumage as pretty good matches:


I believe Eiders take 2 or 3 years (or more?) to reach full adult plumage so this could be a 1st or 2nd winter bird.

Do you still have the bird? A measured length would be helpful as would photos of the wing (esp the speculum) and the feet. Great South Bay sure looked (and felt!) Arctic mid-week - so a stray from up north would not be out of the question. Actually, there have always been a few Kings wintering off LI. Also, there always used to be lots of waterfowl collections on LI - so an escape is always a possibility.

Hope this helps,

That is a hard one. I think very young dwarf King Eider is about as good as anything. Even with that some things on the bill look off to me but then I've never seen a very young one, only adults. The feathers on the back do look right.

Like others have said in the future wing photos help a lot in identification. Even with strange hybrids.

Thanks guys. I'm not computer literate so I cant post pictures.LOL

One question.The bird is the size of an old squaw and what about the white around its eye ??????
Im not doubting just asking.

Thank You
On some hen Kings there is a more noticeable light ring around the eyes. Maybe in younger ones it is even more apparent. Like this one Click here.
I would expect even a young King to be bigger but maybe they grow into that size slowly. Like I've said I've only seen adults and they are larger ducks. It's almost a process of elimination that it's about all it could be. I don't think it is a hybrid eider but it could be... but I doubt it.... but it could be. :)

Here's another for the Brain Trust at The DHBP. This came in behind me today quacking like a hen Mallard. I heard it before I could see it. My Gunning partner shot it just as it rounded the point. It's body is somewhat rounded like a diver (Bluebill) but it has a puddler bill. Top of Bill is yellow with a black saddle.

Likely a Mallard/Domestic Hybrid?

White neck patch widens and then stops abruptly at mid breast.

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On some hen Kings there is a more noticeable light ring around the eyes. Maybe in younger ones it is even more apparent. Like this one Click here.
I would expect even a young King to be bigger but maybe they grow into that size slowly. Like I've said I've only seen adults and they are larger ducks. It's almost a process of elimination that it's about all it could be. I don't think it is a hybrid eider but it could be... but I doubt it.... but it could be. :)


Thanks for the info Tim

Crappy black Swedish hen. The original bird looks like a HY king eider....remember, kings are not as large as commons....
