New ammo bill....

Can't believe the folks in SC,Tenn.,or Alabama would go for a bunch of this crapola. California and New York probably would. Can't imagine what such ammo would cost and can't imagine it would do anything to stop gun assaults. What are they going to do about butcher knives and crack pipes ?

My $.02
You can expect new legislation to come out of state and federal anti gun delagates every week from now on.It always has.The big problem now,it has a better chance of passing.We need to support the organizations that watch dog all of this crap.
Just read the R.I. one and it doesn't sound all that realistic. Only certain calibers?
Is .22 realy a concern? Could you even fit a serial # on the base? Single digit maybe?

Whats great is you can carry a .500 S&W though. Whats the model with the 2 1/2" BBl?

Who comes up with this crap anyway?
Just looked at Indiana's. a nickel a round to be collected to pay for the scheme. Some of the guns who's ammo is to be "tagged" M1A...308...but not a Garand??? Street Sweeper..12ga, how fricken ignorant are these bill writers? All 223, 7.62x39...pretty much all ammo. Mark the ammo so it will be able to be read after the bullet is expended? Hmmmm..can you say "cop killer" ammo? Funny how people that come up with this crap haven't a clue, but it doesn't matter I guess, same ones would rather you not shoot someone who is trying to rape and murder your family in front of your eyes.
I own exactly one handgun. The Taurus Model 4410. Without going into the novelty aspect of owning a shotgun pistol, how would these bill writers suggest I "mark" the projectiles coming out of the barrel. These guys should stick to things they know and understand. Its just one unique example of the holes in a proposal like this, written by someone who simply doesn't understand the subject matter.

(Its for sale too...I have successfully defended against every beer and pop can in the house)
Just read the R.I. one and it doesn't sound all that realistic. Only certain calibers?
Is .22 realy a concern? Could you even fit a serial # on the base? Single digit maybe?

Whats great is you can carry a .500 S&W though. Whats the model with the 2 1/2" BBl?

Who comes up with this crap anyway?

There must be a billion rounds of 22 ammo sold a year , you cant get that kind of numbers on that tiny round
Times .05 per round tax. That is serious whatever cost it takes to put it on a round. You could put the Gettysburg address on a 22 bullet base by the way. I just love the info that you will have to have on file too...I am sure that no one will be stealing any identities off of that data base. Another useless gimmick that will CURE crime just like the instant check, the forms that you fill out to purchase firearms and the registering of handguns....those CURED it too.
What I have heard is that the push behind this is the guy who invented a way to put small ID marks on bullets. Imagine that, he invented a useless machine and now needs states to pass laws so his invention will be worth something. The numbering is so limited that there is no way to mark them all with individual numbers. I suppose that will be a way for them to limit the number of bullets manufactured. It's a joke and wouldn't do anything but the same ol' gun control activists will be all for it.

Oh my will I have to mark all my lead shot?? Hee Hee! That is what I will use If I am going to shoot someone. Of course they would be a uninvited guest in my home.

These are the same people that think crack should be legal. Wait a sec if crack is not legal and who knows how many people use it. What would stop illegal production of amo?

James Roberts
The one proposed bill that I read, called for the bullet and the case to have matching serial numbers. Guess that rules out reloading. Also noted that it proposed the serial number on the case to be on the inside, presumably to stop somebody from altering it. Bet it would cost more than a couple cents per round to make equipment capable of putting a number on the inside of a cartridge case. Not that it couldn't be done just not done cheaply.
I worked in a ammo factory for a few weeks and wanted a shell casing. I asked the foreman of production and he said all right but had to run the shell though separately. Each casing has a serial number on it and once it does it belongs to the gov. So if you reload a 20mm shell remember that( : )
The number is barely recognizeable but's there. I don't know if they do that on all military ammo or not.
this is just the beginning, you know. My sister even got conned into voting for the new Mass. pot rule by the Boston Globe and the slobs who write for it, by the BS ploy that the "Cops were spending too much time on small drug busts!" What?
Now we can keep them from having to work on murder cases too. Just call the coroner and have him dig the bullet out and bingo, your name and address will be on the bullet you use to murder your victim.
I tried not to go over a cliff during the election, but when you see this stuff flying at us before the guy is even in office, well, we are screwed.
And any duck hunter who dosnt think it effects him is full of it because the same folks who write these cage liners have no concept of why your allowed to shoot some poor duck and would love to get your but out of the marsh next to their seaside home down in Hyannis.
Between the trial lawyers and the Harvard Liberal Cocktail set we should have nothing to fear from the terrorists. We will be quite nicely hog tied in our own back yards without any shoe bombs required.
God help us.
File Code: Public Safety
Prior Year Introduction As: HB 1393/07 - HRU
Sponsored By:
Delegates Burns, Robinson, Anderson, Branch, Carter, Glenn, Harrison, Oaks, Stukes, Tarrant, and Walker
Regulated Firearms - Encoded Ammunition - Tax


Authorizing a person to sell ammunition for a regulated firearm on or after January 1, 2009, only in accordance with the Act; requiring an ammunition manufacturer to encode ammunition for a regulated firearm in a specified way; requiring the Secretary of State Police beginning on January 1, 2009, to establish and maintain an encoded ammunition database; imposing a tax of 5 cents per round on the sale of encoded ammunition beginning on January 1, 2009; etc.


History by Legislative and Calendar Date
Legislative date is used to record history occuring in the Chambers otherwise Calendar date is used.
House Action
First Reading Judiciary & Ways and Means
Hearing 2/26 at 1:00 p.m. (Judiciary)
Unfavorable Report by Judiciary
Senate Action
No Action

They are doing a good job at grinding us down... Same with immigration....
As someone else stated, this is just the start of things to come. In his own words Obama stated "I can't take your guns. I don't have the votes to do so". When he replaces any Supreme Court justice who retires, and I read that two are thinking of retiring soon, he'll have the votes. I am torn between hoping that he does good things for this country (God knows we need it) and dreading what he has planned for those of us who participate in shooting sports. The gun grabbers are going to have a field day.
Times are a changin.....Glad to see Florida isn't on that list yet. I noticed on a poster at the UPS office at Christmas time gunpowder is listed as a hazardous material and is on the "no longer will ship" list. It was crowded and the clerk wasn't a people person to begin with so I decided not to ask questions. I just wonder what this means to reloaders and black powder users that normally order gunpowder.

Ed L.