New Magazine

Worth Mathewson

Active member
Perhaps I missed it, but I haven't seen a post on a new waterfowling magazine. At any rate, it is Take 'Em! Waterfowl Journal. They have a web page. I haven't seen a copy yet, but plan to take it. Hope all has an excellent upcoming season! Best, Worth Mathewson
Hello Worth, I appreciate the heads-up.

Looking through this, it seems to be a "Huff Po" model, where writers write for free and publisher sells ads. I might be missing something, though. But found the advertising rate card and subscription rates, but in the "Write for Take 'Em" section I only found what articles they are looking for and a 700 word preference, nothing on how the articles are valued, if at all.

Not slagging the business model, but it feels a bit like moving a Forum like this one, into a print version. tried that about 10-15 years ago.

Personally, and as a business guy I know I'm not a market, but I miss Foster and Hewitt. Don't know if fiction in waterfowl will ever return to periodical print given the declining numbers in the sport, or at least the impression that MAYBE everything Hewitt did wasn't so funny in real life..... and maybe I'm just missing the place it's printed.

The upland birds are drier, allow for breakfast, and the dogs seem much less stinky, albeit totally devoid of character.

Which reminds me, I need to get around to buying them books from the guys that write good things! I'll try and report back by end of the week ;-)
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been reading it for a couple years now

it started as a small newsprint format

and has grown some - a couple old doubles guy i know have written for it

not the glossy product promotional magazine

and PS -before Steve says something - both guns and guys are old [cool]
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The name makes me say no thanks.

I'll stick with the library I have, and enough quality vintage and current magazines to keep me busy for the remainder of my years. It's already all been done by the best writers. My 2cents.
Gray's Journal, F&S, Decoy Magazine, Hunting and Fishing Collectibles, and the DU magazine, are some of the current "hunting" magazines that fit my needs.

Have boxes full of the old Waterfowlers World, Wildfowl, etc.

The history of our life style appeal to me. Yet I still must keep somewhat up to date,and D.U. and F&S fill the bill.
I get Take Em magazine and I like it. There are some nice articles and stories and great pictures in there. The a few of the articles, stories, pictures, etc from the subscribers who are interested in sending in content to help make a good magazine. And No, I am not a part of or have any affiliation with the magazine, only a subscriber.

I was thinking about writing something for the magazine, and saw their guidelines for the mag. Seems decent enough to get good content.

Take ‘Em! Waterfowl Journal Writer’s Guidelines
Articles and photos that fit Take ‘Em! Waterfowl Journal’s motto, The Magazine for True Waterfowlers, are always welcome. We cover waterfowl hunting only. We do not cover deer or other game.
General guidelines: Please write for our magazine’s whole audience. We have readers who are brand-new hunters AND readers who have hunted waterfowl 60-plus years. Have something interesting to tell both groups. Go beyond how many birds you killed. Tell a great story. Paint vivid lively word pictures. Tell how you set your decoy spread and why, habitat you hunted, how you got the birds to work (or why you think they didn’t), and interesting things you saw or that happened. Best stories use a rich style that carries your reader along so they are part of the story, and they learn something.
We want: Personal Hunt Experiences, Conservation, Waterfowl Education, Kids or Women in Waterfowling, Freelance Hunting Opportunities, How-to/DIY projects, Shotguns/Ammo (note: we will not print reloading data), Hunter Health & Fitness, Waterfowl Dogs, decoys, calls/calling, Nostalgia/Heritage, waterfowl organizations, funny true stories, and Recipes you have actually made.

We do not want: Product placements, endorsements, fluff, “native advertising” or “advertorials.” These will be edited and/or rejected with glee. But — brief mentions of brands or models of hunting gear or services are fine if they fit the context of your article.