New member

Just joined the gang but have been monitoring for a while. Recently bought a Duck Wrangler boat and I am enjoying exploring new spots. I have recently have be come very interested in sea ducking and have made a recent trip on the Chesapeake, still learning the sea duck game. Anyway goose season starts here this saturday and life of the Ole Eastern Shore is about to get busy.
Welcome, be sure to post some pictures of the Eastern shore. Place we hear about in the Midwest but don't get to see.
Welcome Bruce! Please post pics of your hunts and equipment. We all love the eye candy. I'm trying my hand at the sea duck game also out of NJ. Keep us posted on your progress.

Welcome Bruce,

I hope your goose season is awesome. I just made may first run to Maryland last month. we went to salisbury. On the way through, from the Kent Narrows down we saw scads of geese everywhere.
We are even thinking of trying to make a run back to hunt off the Chincoteague area.
Again Welcome and have a good season,
Bruce welcome. I hunt with a buch of guys with our camp in Cambridge. We're right off Drawbridge Road. Take a right after crossing the bridge by the old boat factory, those are some of our blinds. Feel free to stop in and swap war stories. We usually get there Friday and stay through the weekend.

Welcome aboard from the Midwest. Hope your season goes better than what we'e seeing in our area of the Mississippi River.

Ed L.
Welcome from the ONLY State with a West Coast, North Coast AND an East Coast. Hard to beat Michigan. ;)
Pull up a chair, pour a cup of coffee and join in. Definitely post pics...we NEED that eye candy.
Bruce , Welcome and ditto on what the other guys said- pics and trips. This is my favorite place on the whole www.
Welcome Bruce - I hunted Chincoteague once, It's beautiful down your way. Hope to get there again some day. Hope the rest of your season is plentiful and look forward to your input on the many subjects that pop up here.