New poject- Gatorboat's Bullfrog

Bill Burruss

Well-known member

Here is a little project you may be interested in. It’s a 10' Gatorboat’s Bullfrog, and is built from plywood, 2x, and cedar strips. I’ve never built anything from strips before, so this has been a learning process.

I already have a one-person Devlin Broadbill, which does a great job for where I use it, but it’s really a trailer carried boat. The reason I’m building the Bullfrog is to have something to drag into greentree reservoir and marsh type duck habitat. The boat needed to be easily thrown in the back of a truck, drug by hand (will build a 2 wheel dolly later to get it down the levee), and carry 2 guns, couple dozen deeks, and a thermos. People can wade. The boat’s real mission is safety- something to hold onto while wading in flooded timber/marshes and serve as emergency evacuation, if needed. I chose this boat over a pirogue as the pirogues seem too unstable, plus this little boat will take a small outboard or trolling motor. Heck, the boat may even double as a pond box.

Wanted to go inexpensive, so the bottom is 3/8 luan and the ribs are 2x pine. The cedar is red cedar (try finding white in Mississippi). Had to sort through a big pile of #2 to find stuff suitable to rip to 3/8 x 3/4 strips. The luan was about $20, the 2x6 about $8, and the cedar $45, so there is not too much in this thing, so far. I broke my saber saw and also had to buy an 18gauge pneumatic nailer (gotta love Harbor Freight - $20 on sale w/nails), 3/8 cove and bead router set, and a router table, so I have more in tools than in wood for this project so far.

Here are a few pictures laying out the ribs, jigs, and strongback. I tried to level a square everything before attaching the strongback. The plans were pretty good, except for getting the plane set for the strongback. This took a little adjusting to get right.



The hardest strips were the first 2, which I epoxied so I could fill any gaps with wood flour thickened epoxy. In general, the rest of the joints are glued with Elmer’s Ultimate High Performance Glue. I believe this is the same basic stuff as Gorilla glue. I ran out of the Elmer’s and switched to Gorilla, and found the Gorilla foams a whole lot more (which is ok in my opinion because it sands easy and helps fill any voids w/ a lightweight waterproof foam.


The air nailer got a good workout with this project.


Learned a lot about using a router putting a bead and cove on 12’ long 3/8” thick strips. The cove and bead really helps the fit on the curved parts of the hull.



Here are a few more pics.

You can see the cove and bead on the stern here. Since this uses wood, I had to add an extra slat to make up for these strips. It was worth it not to have the gap.





As she stands now, the boat weigh 58lbs. Still need to finish the bow deck, but I'm wondering how much the epoxy/fiberglass sheathing will add. Just ordered a 3 gallon kit and 3.25oz glass from Raka as I plan to glass inside and out. Will definitley try to minimize epoxy use while getting 2-3 even coats.


I can tell this is going to be a tough boat to put green paint on!

Have a great season,

that boat is going to come out nice.... put the cloth and resin on a scale, thats how much more its going to make the boat weigh-shannon
Fantastic Bill! That looks like it's going to be a great little boat. What are the spec's for OAL and beam?

Keep us posted as your work progresses. I'm anxious to see what it looks like sheathed.

no wonder I haven't heard from you lately, you been WORKING!!!!
That is going to be one good looking boat.
Have you been up to Greentree lately? We were planning to go this weekend and look around.

Give me a call

Beauty of a boat. Should be nice and light too. That first coat of green is gonna be painful.

Did you do the cove and bead on a router table? Any change you have a photo of your setup?

I have an router extension wing for my table saw that I keep meaning to install. Figured it'd be handy to have the router table on the saw table.

Nice work. Thanks for sharing pictures.

Bill, very nice job!

Please feel free to register over at the gatorboats forum (I'm the mod/admin over there) and post those pics! There are many that would like to see other gatorboats besides the DH.


Length is about 10' 1", beam is about 3'4". I'll post some more pics once it's sheathed.

Take care,


Your "dog" was the inspiration- Alex kept telling me we needed to get one, and this boat came closest to doing the same thing.

Speaking of the dog, when do you want to try some fiberglass repair? I've got plenty of scrap 3/4 x 3x8 strips!

Have not been to any greentrees, although there are tons of ducks on the lakes. Looking forward to youth season on LA this weekend.

Take care!


ps- If so inclined, your welcome to the forms and strongback for this boat. Just do what I did- tell the wife it's a decoy sled!


Yes, I did the cove and bead on a router table, which was a little tricky with the floppy 12' strips. They wanted to pull "up" in the middle once there was much weight from the finished end overhanging the table. Having no training or frame of refernce, I set the table on my patio (it is not very tall- maybe 15''???) and proped up a fairly long piece of plywood on both the in and out side to keep the ends from dropping and pullng the middle up. Not sophisticated, but it worked.

Truth be told, the biggest learning curve was to feed them through based on tool rotation like a table saw. The first few I put through the wrong way, and they were marginal. Once I changed feed direction and got the "extensions" set up, they came out like cabinet work.

Take care!


I'm anxiously awaiting the next round of construction notes and pics. Looks like a really fun project with eye pleasing lines.

Bill , Hang on to that scrap and you can show me how to fix the " dog lips ". When you get ready for paint let me know and I'll bring the airbrushes !!!
looks really good so far

cedar strips make a beautiful boat! I did some kayaks like that years ago i just love the look of the wood over anything else but could not ever bring my self to paint them .... thus no duck boats :)