New to this site

Bobby C.

New member
Just joined this site. Looking forward to being a memeber. My names Bobby. I'm from Vineland New Jersey. I hunt the local waters around south jersey, mostly the waters of the Deleware Bay and its tributaries. I had a horrible season this year lol but looking forward to next year!
Welcome Bobby!.....If you've been following this site then you know you've got an encyclopedia of knowledge and experience at your disposal if you have any questions.
Welcome Bobby....Pretty cool site here with a lot of history and help so stick around. Hey, you might fill out your profile and tell us a little about yourself, where your from. What hunt/fish...or whatever.
Welcome Bobby.

I knew an ol carver from Vineland, Norm Walsh....(I think that was his name, if my memory serves me correct)
He was a great guy. Met him and his wife at the Ward World carving championships back in the late 90's. I think he was a teacher. Anyhow, I haven't attended the Ward contest in a few years and Norm was missing the last few I did attend. He was a wonderful guy and new all the old time carvers. Great wealth of knowledge.

Was wondering if you know/knew of Norm?

Again, welcome and enjoy the site.
No I didn't know him. The only carvers from this area i know personally is PK Hilliard and Jode Hillman. I have heard of Norm through converstion but I personally don't know him.
Ken Scheeler is also from Vindland. Duane ;

Yea Sean, Norm talked of Ken and his carvings. Ken was an outstanding carver as well and he wrote a book or two, didn't he? I think I might even own one of them.

Sean, did you know Norm? Or know of him?