OK computer genius's

Lee Harker

Well-known member
Just bought a new computer system for the Lumberyard. It is PC based and I need to get some virus protection for the stations. What is the best to get? Our old system I bought in 1990 is still working but can't get parts anymore but it wasn't internet compatable. What do you think? Norton? Thanks.
Yep, get Norton. You will need to resubscribe each year in order to continue getting the monthly/weekly software updates.


I've had Norton products for a number of years and had good luck with them. It may slow down my system a bit on occasion but I haven't been infected with any viruses in 5-6 years.

The other product that I have heard about is AVG, a free down load anti-virus that along with Zone Alarm (also free) seem to be highly thought of. No personal experience.

Hi Lee,
Personallly, I wouldn't touch Norton again. I got hammered a couple times even though I had Norton fully active.
I've switched completely to McAfee through Comcast. It's free as part of your comcast subscription. I've had no problem since switching to McAfee.
Good luck.
I agree. I'd recommend Norton. I wouldn't get McAfee, it sort of has a mind of it's own and seems to be a lot more of a resource hog than it needs to be. I guess I would say I'm not real impressed with it's protection either, but it does better than some others on that end of things. I have tried a few others, but none that I'd recommend, at least not yet.

1990. Wow, most people around here will be complaining if their computer is older than 3 yrs.
are you planning to hook this system up to the internet? If not, you don't need anti-virus software. If you are, any of the 3 listed is a decent choice (Norton, McAfee, AVG). I've been using AVG for about 18 months now, and haven't noticed any problems. I'm pretty careful about opening email attachments, what software I download, etc. It does spend 30 seconds or so when you first boot up checking for updates, but I can live with that.

For a computer that probably keeps business records and truly vital information, I would be very leery of hooking it up to the internet unless you need to. If you do, make sure you keep GOOD backups (no anti-virus is fool proof, and can you really afford to lose what you have stored on that hard drive?)

For the business, I'd contact a local consultant and get their offering which will have garentees for lost information and down time. And it's a business write off. If you don't want to go that route this is what I use and have good good luck with it. They are very good about updates and this found a trojan that Norton didn't. Of course everyone has their preferences.

Good luck

Ed L.


Ok...I'll answer anyway

Lee, the anti-virus tool I recommend to family and friends (including my own home PCs) for their personal use is AVG Personal ...you can get it free right here http://free.grisoft.com/

Now people are going to say, "Yeah but what do I use for my business?" and I just noticed that you ARE talking multiple PCs. Since we are talking pure anti-virus here, (not spam blockers, firewall, etc.) my response is that viruses usually don't care who or what they are screwing up. This free offering is obviously meant to display their product and its quality...after that they want to upsell anyone willing to send them money especially for multiple commercial application. Thats a local decision.

Depending upon what other tools came with the PC and which browser you use (Explorer, Firefox etc.), the AVG will probably do all that you need it to do. Its reliable, updates every day, and you can't beat the price.

Not a computer genius but I am half fast.
I guess I should have given more info. It's 4 pc's that are connected in network to a server. It has a firewall. Only two of the pc's are going have internet access cause I am the only one that get's to spend all day screwing off. Two are point of sale..well..3 are actually and one is my book keepers. We don't go live on it till next month after training and crap.The dude that came and installed it said the pc's should all have some kind of AV and I said what the hell is AV and why isn't it included in the near 50k I just dumped? I hate buying computer stuff cause they always stuff a big fat one in my nether regions..at least that's how I feel after thinking I made the right choice then having all the "little" stuff, that I always try to include in MY estimates pop up and surprise me.
That's one of the things I hated when I had my design/drafting buisness. NO one will lease equipment to you unless your listed on Dun & Bradstreet so you have buy. I bought 3 computers and support along with three seats of cad software with support and then you try to amortize over say a three year period. Well hell that's no good becuase the day you get everything installed Intel or one of the other wiz bang chip manufacturers releases a new offering and your investment just lost 40%....Part of the reason I make money for someone else again...;-0...At least I get to surf!
Take it back,

Then get a APPLE and you won't have to worry about virus protection !

had one for three + years now and have yet to have a problem!!

Apple will run most pc programs with fewer problems.

My $.02
Lee, You didn't say what operating system. XP or Vista.

I hope you got XP instead of Vista.

Avast for virus, Free, Updates daily. never had any viruses

Spybot Removes bad stuff, doesn't allow registry changes. Also free, Update weekly

Mozilla Firefox is free much better than internet explorer. Blocks a lot of stuff Also free

Thunder bird also by Mozilla for E mail

That a start, theres more stuff but
I am on the D&B and could have leased but chose to save about 4k by buying outright instead of lease payments. 3 different lease companies averaged about 12%. I can get money for 1 over prime, fixed, so I went that route. All I need is something to track inventory and do books hence the 18 year old computer...it did what I need but it's starting to fall apart and there is no fixing it other than bandaids. We figured we better get something soon before we had to go back to pencils..which we still know how to use....but don't want to. Between shopping computers, shopping group health plans and shopping business insurance...I'm about ready to snap a cap on the next peckerwood that gives me any shit.
Definitly have them install XP pro instead of Vista. You will be much happier, there are multiple problems in using Vista and networking. You will also find that you will have problems running some older programs on Vista. Most AV programs will work for you Mcaffe Norton are both very good. Mostly it boils down to common sense in protecting yourself. Dont use the preview window in your email program, dont open emails that your not sure of. If the email looks like spam it most likely is. In pop up windows hit cancel instead of yes to the prompt. Good luck.
OK Patterson! I just made a call to Guiedo-bob down in Huntsville and he is on his way over with a kitten to smash on your driveway.

It's XP pro by the way.
I am one of those geeks that screws you out of your money when you buy a new system.. haha.. Just kiding on that part. But I do make my living doing this computer thing. In most cases I do find that AVG is a good AV program. I would say 90% of the time its what I go to both comercial and residential.

I am surprised the guy setting up the system and network would walk away from it without putting the antivirus on it. Keep in mind one internet PC on your network that catches a virus has the potential to spread it to the rest of the computers so putting it on all of them makes the most sense. Good choice on the XP. Its still what I order in for my customers. Vista just isnt to the point where I can recomend it to customers. Not sure it will be.
I just had to go to a new computer (a custom job) and it came with AVAST anti virus. Don't know a thing about it but it came without charge??? I had Norton for 3 years and it did slow things down abit but was affective.
wis boz