One day back pack trip to shedroof Mountain

Gary March

Well-known member
Told my wife that I wanted to check out a new mule deer spot on fathers day. So up at 3:eek:o am this morning and made the two hr. drive to Nordman, Idaho just a few miles from Canada. Unloaded the four wheeler and River and
I made the 16 mile trek to the base of the mountain. What a fun day. From the base it seemed almost straight up. Here is a pic about 2/3 from the top.


First sighting was this moose, just starting to grow his rack.


Next I spotted this black bear


Then I came upon this Mule deer doe


While looking up todards the top of the peak I spotted this cow elk. She was definately ready to calve.


These little guys were everywhere.


I spotted this blue grouse doing his strutting thing. Not sure why, no girls around


Later in the morning I saw another bull moose, again just starting to grow his horns.


My best shot of the day was of this Western Tanager. I was excited to get this shot.


This picture is of River and me eating a sandwich and looking out over the area. She was very tired. And I wasn't "right"


This picture is looking out from the sunmmit. Still plenty of snow left. This peak is at 6700 ft level. I know Al not 11,000.


River back at the road headed back to the truck. Saw lots of game in one day. Can't wait to scout some of the other peaks in the area.


Thanks for looking

Gary March
Awesome images Gary. That country is truly beautiful.

I have been meaning to mention to you that I recently picked an old copy of Waterfowl off the magazine pile at random and was surprised to see an article written by you that, somehow, I just never saw before. Great work, more awesome pictures and a great story about your dog, River.

You are a great contributor to this site and I will continue to look forward to your posts.
Never thought about a dog in an ATV basket, I lost by beagle, rider, to a cougar last year. When I get back to Wa in the spring I'm getting a new dog, and you can bet it will ride in an ATV basket. What a cool idea.

Looks like a great day. You have an extremely talented eye. Some day I hope to just "see" things half as well as you do.

What a wonderful day you had, Gary. My favorite shot would have to be the Western Tanager. Loved that shot of River on the "park". Could visualize elk walking and eating there in the late evening/early morning hours. I'll bet the big boys are up by the snow patches trying to stay away from the flies. River reminds me so much of Chili when I saw that last pic.
Great series.
Gary what an amazing place. The pictures are fantastic and the actual sight must be breathtaking.

Bill V
Wow, just wow.

One question though - what are you using for wildlife attractant ? They seem to gravitate to the lens of your camera. Simply amazing. You are rich man for living in that neck of the woods. It is always appreciated, that you share your photos with the rest of us less fortunate slobs.

Best, Bill