open message to Steve Tull

Huntindave McCann

Well-known member
Steve, why don't you tell us a little about yourself? We usually fill out our profiles and introduce ourselves around here. So far this is all we know about you;

[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica][/font] [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Status:[/font] [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Registered User[/font] [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Registered:[/font] [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Jan 11, 2010 8:58 AM[/font] [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Last Logon:[/font] [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Feb 8, 2011 10:53 PM[/font] [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Posts:[/font] [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]30 (0.1 per day)[/font] [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Real Name:[/font] [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]No name entered.[/font] [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Location:[/font] [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Dover, DE[/font] [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Local Time:[/font] [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Feb 9, 2011 5:43 AM[/font] [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Email:[/font] [font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]No email entered. [/font]

Are all your postings goin to be "nice pictures" great pictures" or even " ( no text provided) "?
I would like to apoligize for all of the posts last night. Apparently my son decided to look thru the forum and post "several" replies after I went to bed. I will deal with that when I get home tonight. Again, I am sorry to everyone for this nonsense.

"why don't you tell us a little about yourself? We usually fill out our profiles and introduce ourselves around here."

I live in Delaware and have been hunting waterfowl for about 30 years, mostly on the Eastern Shore but have done some out of state trips as well. We generally hunt puddle ducks and geese but also chase divers, sea ducks and snows on occasion. I work for a gas utility in management and like to trains dogs as well. You may have seen the article about a lab that I owned that was killed in action back in October while serving as an IED dog for the Marines. My son and I have been carving and flocking our own decoys and I must say are really coming along. I'll post some pictures on the workbench thread.
I've really enjoyed looking at this site for the past couple of months and have gained alot of knowledge. I appreciate all the help and will do better with some quality posts. I hope "we" haven't offended everyone with last night's nonsense.

I hope "we" haven't offended everyone with last night's nonsense.


Ha, it will take a lot more than that to offend me. We've had kids get loose on the forum before, and I remember a time or two where they got lippy and things got kinda ugly. Usually when someone goes on a late night posting bender up to 30 posts it is usually punctuated by a classified ad and they disappear after that...glad that isn't the case, and welcome, I look forward to seeing some pictures of what you and your son have on that workbench. Do you have a link to the story about that dog you trained? I must have missed that story.


Welcome aboard and thanks for the explanation. I do remember reading the artical about the dog. Dogs do some amazing things for us both out in the field and at home.

Sorry if I was too direct, Eric has a wonderful site here and we can be just a little protective at times. :>) again, welcome aboard.
Well that makes more sense. I was wondering why someone registered here for a year would suddenly try to boost their count when it is pretty well known that doesn't go over well.

Welcome Steve,

I had read about Cole on some other web site, rough reading for me, Amazing stuff.

Glad ta have ya here Steve. X2 of what others above said. I rember reading about your dog, It made my heart& eyes heavy, God bless them dogs & their hearts!
Maybe your son is just thinking ahead to a time when he wants to sell some of those decoys.

I'm glad to see this thread - because communication is what this forum is all about. And it really is nice to hear about the drama of other duck hunters, even if it is more of a flub.

I'm looking forward to seeing some of your work on the "workbench" thread.
Steve, First welcome to the best place on the www to hang out and chat. I did read about your dog and am very sorry to hear about him. They are magic. Dave is a grumpy ol fart but has a heart of gold heehhheheheheheh. and although I am not blessed??? with a son messing with my computor I do deal with them every day and understand
dont sweat it.
I have been listening to a bunch of noise coming from my basement workshop for the last few nights. First night I headed down to find the number 1 son and oldest daughter nailing together some of my finest white cedar decoy boards for their project. After I got over it, next morning, I took my son to the lumber yard to my fav. section and hand picked about 40 dollars worth of number 2 pine 1x6. Just about 70 percent of the longer boards would make number 1 grade or even clear.
So they have been back at it banging away, and low and behold they even glued up panels.
What is this all about? They got a bee in their bonnet to make a "Bunny" hutch.
Its like listening to an old married couple down there but they sure are having fun.

Gonna really hurt if they get it done and I have to get a Rabbit!

Thats what I get for not finding a new cat when the old one finally gave up after 17 years.

Any one know how long rabbits live?

I cant take another 17 year old pet that dosnt fetch ducks.........
I can tell you a little bit about Steve. A few years ago another waterfowl site was having a raffle/benefit to help support one of it's members whose son was injured in Iraq. Steve was kind enough to offer a 3 day trip to hunt at an exclusive waterfowl club. I was fortunate enough to win that trip. I got a chance to get to know Steve, meet and dine with his family including the late Sgt. Cole, and do a different style of waterfowl hunting that I had never done before and likely would not ever do had I not been fortunate to go on this trip. Like many folks on this site, Steve is a great guy.
Hi Steve,
Did Cole go through the school with Paul and the boys in Smithfield VA?
They are doing some great things with their dogs. I was proud to have had a very small
part there and am impressed with what they are doing to save our men overseas.
Thanks for putting Cole in the Program!! John
Thanks for all the replies, not really what I expected but it is certainly appreciated.

MikeM - I had a great time with you and your dad, I hope it wasn't the last time you come down. You know you're welcome anytime.

John - Cole went thru training with K2 in NC, he was on Bobby George's truck. Bobby also trained both his sire and dam when he was with Bill Eckett, both were FC/AFC field trial champions. He was the "go to" dog in his unit and found alot of IED's, kind of a long story but according to his handler he sacrificed himself that day to save the lives of 3 Marine's. Still breaks my heart every day but I couldn't be prouder of him.
Steve failed to mention that he is also a graduate of that esteemed Southern institution of higher learning,..Lenoir-Rhyne College. I know this because we were college room-mates in the 1983-84 school year.

Steve, or "Delaware" as we know him, is a quality person and used to regale us Carolina boys with tall tales of duck hunting on the bay. I can still see him in my mind's eye, swilling "Busch's Best" and dipping Skoal in Mauney Dorm while recounting for us his youthful days of duck carnage.

It was through that Steve saw my name last year contacted me. We had not heard from each other since 1986.

It is good to hear from Steve Tull, aka "Delaware" again.

Best wishes for continued success in the fields and bays, Steve!
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Hey fellas this is matt, steves son. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Im guilty for the posts. I didnt happen think everyone would see them. I was looking to sell a few things on the classifieds, and couldnt do that until we had 30 posts. I now see that doing that is frowned upon. I apologize once again.

Yes Cole was an amazing dog and I still think about him everyday. Thank you for all the kind words.

I'll be sure to get some pictures of our decoys up shortly. There really coming along.

As far as my dads goes...Love him to death, He'd do anything in the world for ya. Hes taught me everything i know, and he supports me with everything I do. Lets just we've had a few come to jesus meeting in my 20 years, but he loves me the same. I couldnt ask for a better dad. Love ya pop